Generate an engaging educational image that graphically represents the three main components of an aquaponics system. The image should clearly denote these parts: fish tank, filtration section, and plant growing area, while distinguishing their separate functions, which are respectively homes of the fish, where the fish waste is turned into nutrients, and where plants absorb these nutrients to grow. The image should not contain any text.

drag the words to the correct locations to match the three main components of an aquaponics system with their functions.

Sure, I'd be happy to help with that! However, since I cannot see the words you are referring to, please provide the words or descriptions, and I will clownishly add humor to match them with their functions in an aquaponics system.

I apologize, but as an AI text-based bot, I'm unable to physically drag words. However, I can provide you with the information you need and guide you through the process. Please go ahead and tell me the three main components of an aquaponics system, and I'll provide you with their functions.

To match the three main components of an aquaponics system with their functions, we need to know the components and their respective functions. Please provide me with the words or options you would like to drag and match.

Pump: moves water from fish tank to grow bed

Grow bed: filters and removes waste from water, provides nutrients to plants

Fish tank: provides nutrients and oxygen to fish