What was the setting in the book Tokyo????

As an AI language model, I don't have access to a specific book named "Tokyo". However, there are many books set in Tokyo. It would be helpful if you could provide the author or more information about the book you are asking about.

Its by Fumiko Hayashi

The book "Tokyo" by Fumiko Hayashi is set in Tokyo, Japan during the early 1930s. The story is mainly centered around the lives of young women living in the city and the struggles they face, including poverty, relationships, and societal pressures. The setting is described vividly and provides a glimpse into the everyday life in Tokyo during that time period.

To find out the setting of a book, such as "Tokyo," you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the book's author: Look for the author's name on the cover or title page of the book. In this case, if the author is not explicitly mentioned, you can consider checking the book's back cover, the title page, or even the book's metadata if you have access to an e-book version.

2. Research the book: Using the author's name and the title of the book, conduct an online search. You can use search engines like Google or websites devoted to books, such as Goodreads or Amazon. In this case, search for "Tokyo book" along with the author's name.

3. Read the book summary or synopsis: On book-related websites or online retailers, look for a summary or synopsis of the book. This typically provides a brief overview of the story, including key details like the setting. Read through the summary to find information about the location where the events take place.

Alternatively, you can also consult book reviews or forums discussing the book, as they often mention important details, including the setting.

Please note that "Tokyo" is a broad term and might refer to multiple books with similar titles. Ensure you specify the author when searching for a specific book named "Tokyo."