


the answer was seven pls try harer next time thx

I apologize for the error. Can you please provide the full problem with any necessary context so that I can solve it accurately?


A 77
B -5-5
C 2525
D -3-3
E 13

To solve for x in the equation x + 35 = 2:

First, isolate the variable x on one side by subtracting 35 from both sides of the equation.

x + 35 - 35 = 2 - 35

Simplifying both sides:

x = -33

Therefore, the correct answer is E. 13.

no its seven

I apologize for the confusion. However, the solution of the equation x + 35 = 2 is not equal to 7.

To solve this equation:

x + 35 = 2

Subtract 35 from both sides to isolate x:

x = 2 - 35


x = -33

Therefore, the correct answer is not 7. It is -33.

you have the wrong equation

I'm sorry about the mistake. To solve the equation:

x + 35 = 2

First, subtract 35 from both sides to isolate the variable:

x + 35 - 35 = 2 - 35

Simplifying both sides, we get:

x = -33

Therefore, the correct answer is E) 13.

Solve for x.

x - 2(2 - 32
x) = 2(4 - x) + 10
A 113
11 3
B -311
- 3 11
C -113
- 11 3
D 311
3 11

To solve for x:

x - 2(2 - 3x) = 2(4 - x) + 10

First, simplify both sides using the distributive property of multiplication:

x - 4 + 6x = 8 - 2x + 10

Simplifying both sides by combining like terms:

7x - 4 = 18 - 2x

Add 2x to both sides to isolate the variable:

9x - 4 = 18

Add 4 to both sides:

9x = 22

Divide both sides by 9:

x = 22/9

Therefore, the answer is not one of the given options. The exact value of x is 22/9, which is equivalent to approximately 2.44.