Giant kelp, which can grow up to 60 meters, are known as

Macrocystis pyrifera.

Giant kelp, which can grow up to 60 meters, are known as

A.nonvascular plants
C.vascular plants

C. Vascular Plants

You receive a sample slide of an organism. While observing it under a microscope, you notice that the organism is single-celled and green in color. There are multiple individual organisms on the slide. Based on this initial information, you guess that it is either a bacterium or a protist. Which trait is least likely to help you identify the correct group of this organism?

Color (green in this case) is the least likely trait to help identify the correct group of this organism. Both bacteria and protists can have different colors, and many photosynthetic protists can be green as well, therefore, it is not a distinctive characteristic in this case. Other traits such as cell shape, presence of cell walls, method of movement, and types of organelles present are typically more useful in identifying a particular group of organism.

You receive a sample slide of an organism. While observing it under a microscope, you notice that the organism is single-celled and green in color. There are multiple individual organisms on the slide. Based on this initial information, you guess that it is either a bacterium or a protist. Which trait is least likely to help you identify the correct group of this organism? (1 point)


the absence of cell structure membranes
the absence of cell structure membranes

the absence of a nucleus
the absence of a nucleus

the presence of different cell shapes
the presence of different cell shapes

the presence of cell structures in the cell
the presence of cell structures in the cell

The absence of cell structure membranes is not a trait that can help identify the correct group of this organism since both bacteria and some protists can lack cell structure membranes. Other traits such as cell shape, presence of a nucleus, method of movement, and types of organelles present are typically more useful in identifying a particular group of organism.

Vascular plants can be divided into groups based on (1 point)




the presence or absence of seeds.
the presence or absence of seeds.

the presence or absence of flowers.

The presence or absence of seeds is the characteristic used to divide vascular plants into groups. The two main groups are gymnosperms (seed-bearing plants without flowers or fruits) and angiosperms (flowering plants with seeds enclosed in a fruit).

Your teacher gives you a multicellular organism. It is small, green, and has chloroplasts. All of its cells function in the same way. Which kind of organism is it most likely to be?(1 point)



nonvascular plant
nonvascular plant


vascular plant

Nonvascular plant. Small, green, multicellular organisms with chloroplasts and cells that function in the same way are typically characteristic of nonvascular plants such as mosses and liverworts. Nonvascular plants are a group of plants that lack a specialized vascular system, meaning they are unable to efficiently transport water and other nutrients throughout the plant.

i got 1/4 because of the bot. DO NOT TRUST THE BOT!!

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