Kendra owns a toy store. She charges $8.00 for two puzzles and a piece of candy. She charges $4.50 for one puzzle and a piece of candy. How much does each puzzle cost?

A. $3.50
B. $4.50
C. $1.00
D. $2.25

Let's use algebra to solve the problem.

Let P be the cost of one puzzle and C be the cost of a piece of candy.

From the first equation, we know that:
2P + C = 8.00

From the second equation, we know that:
P + C = 4.50

We can use the second equation to solve for C:
C = 4.50 - P

Substitute this value of C into the first equation:
2P + (4.50 - P) = 8.00

P + 4.50 = 8.00

P = 3.50

Therefore, each puzzle costs $3.50.

Answer: A. $3.50