What is the average angular velocity of an object makes 6.5 rev

in 12 seconds?

To find the average angular velocity, we need to use the formula:

average angular velocity = (total angle rotated) / (time taken)

One revolution is equal to 2π radians, so 6.5 rev is equal to 6.5 x 2π radians.

Total angle rotated = 6.5 x 2π = 13π radians

Time taken = 12 seconds

Therefore, average angular velocity = (13π radians) / (12 seconds)

≈ 3.41 radians per second

Hence, the average angular velocity of the object is around 3.41 radians per second.

To find the average angular velocity of an object, you need to use the formula:

Angular Velocity = (Total Angle)/ (Total Time)

In this case, the object makes 6.5 revolutions in 12 seconds.

To convert revolutions to radians, you need to multiply by 2π since there are 2π radians in one revolution.

So, the total angle is 6.5 * 2π radians.

Now we can calculate the average angular velocity.

Average Angular Velocity = (6.5 * 2π) / 12

Using a calculator or simplifying the equation further, we find the average angular velocity. Please note that the final result will depend on the accuracy of your calculator or rounding you choose to apply.