1. Which best reflects the shift in South Carolina’s population since the 1950s? (1 point)

The population has increased and become more urban.
Rural areas have seen greater population growth than urban areas.
The population of suburban areas has decreased.
Urban and rural areas have seen similar population growth

The population has increased and become more urban.

2. What event triggered U.S. military action in Afghanistan and Iraq? (1 point)

attack on Pearl Harbor
attack on the U.S.S. Cole
attack on the United Nations
attack on the World Trade Center

attack on the World Trade Center.

3. What was the purpose of the Clean Air Act of the 1970s? (1 point)

to reduce smoking in public places
to reduce the pollutants from aerosol containers
to reduce harmful emissions from cars and factories
to give tax breaks for using air purifiers in newly constructed house

to reduce harmful emissions from cars and factories.

4. Why do most counties and cities in South Carolina have zoning boards? (1 point)

to promote the density approach
to make sure that land is used wisely
to determine how many trees can be planted in a lot
to encourage cooperatives to make group purchases

to make sure that land is used wisely.

5. What does GSX in Pinewood do? (1 point)

It manufactures furniture.
It disposes of toxic waste.
It produces nuclear energy.
It develops computer technology

It manufactures furniture.

To determine the best answer, let's break down the options:

Option 1: The population has increased and become more urban.
To check if this is true, you can do the following steps:
1. Research the population data of South Carolina in the 1950s and the present day.
2. Compare the total population from the 1950s to the present.
3. Analyze the growth rate and determine if the population has increased.
4. Study the urbanization trends in South Carolina during this period.

Option 2: Rural areas have seen greater population growth than urban areas.
To verify this, you can follow these steps:
1. Gather population data for both rural and urban areas of South Carolina in the 1950s and the present day.
2. Compare the population growth rates for rural and urban areas.
3. Determine if the growth rate in rural areas is higher than in urban areas.

Option 3: The population of suburban areas has decreased.
To verify this, follow these steps:
1. Gather population data specifically for suburban areas in South Carolina.
2. Compare the population figures of suburban areas in the 1950s and the present day.
3. Analyze the data to determine if there has been a decrease in suburban population.

Option 4: Urban and rural areas have seen similar population growth.
To evaluate this option, you can follow these steps:
1. Obtain specific population data for both urban and rural areas in South Carolina.
2. Compare the population growth rates for urban and rural areas.
3. Analyze the data to determine if they have experienced similar population growth.

By following these steps and gathering accurate data, you can determine which option best reflects the shift in South Carolina's population since the 1950s.