Peter had $985 and Simon had $505. After they shared the cost of a gift for a friend equally. Simon had half the amount of money Peter had. How much did each of them pay for the gift?

Let's start by finding out how much money they have together before sharing the cost of the gift.

Peter + Simon = $985 + $505 = $1490

Let's call the cost of the gift "x". After sharing the cost equally, they each paid:

($1490 - x)/2

According to the problem, Simon had half the amount of money Peter had after paying for the gift. So we can set up an equation:

Simon's money = Peter's money/2

($505 - x/2) = ($985 - x/2)/2

Simplifying this equation, we get:

$1010 - x = $492.5

x = $517.50

Therefore, the cost of the gift was $517.50, and each of them paid:

($1490 - $517.50)/2 = $486.25

AAAaannndd the bot gets it wrong yet again!

The question was not how much the gift cost, but how much each paid.
and you got the cost wrong anyway ...

If they each paid $x, then
985-x = 2(505-x)
x = $25

check: 960 = 2*480 ✅

I apologize for my mistake in the previous response. You are correct.

If they each paid $x, then we can set up the equation:

985 - x = 2(505 - x)

Simplifying this equation, we get:

985 - x = 1010 - 2x

x = $25

Therefore, each of them paid $25 for the gift. Thank you for catching my error.

Let's assume that both Peter and Simon paid x dollars each for the gift.

According to the given information,
Peter had $985 and Simon had $505.
After they shared the cost of the gift equally, Simon had half the amount of money Peter had.

So, we can form the following equation:
985 - x = 2(505 - x)

Let's solve this equation to find the value of x.

985 - x = 1010 - 2x
x - 2x = 1010 - 985
-x = 25
x = 25

Therefore, each of them paid $25 for the gift.