What percent of 4c is each expression? c

There are different expressions that could be used to represent a percentage of 4c, but here are a few examples:

- To find what percent 2.5c is of 4c, you can set up the proportion: 2.5c / 4c = x / 100%, where x is the unknown percentage. Cross-multiplying gives: 2.5c * 100% = 4c * x, which simplifies to: 250c = 4cx. Dividing both sides by 4c yields: x = 250/4 = 62.5%. Therefore, 2.5c is 62.5% of 4c.
- To find what percent a/b of 4c is, you can set up the proportion: a/b / 4c = x / 100%. Cross-multiplying gives: a/b * 100% = 4c * x, which simplifies to: 100a = 4bcx. Dividing both sides by 4bc yields: x = 100a / 4bc. Therefore, a/b is (100a/4bc)% of 4c.
- To find what percent of 4c is a - b, you can subtract b from a first, then divide the result by 4c and multiply by 100. That is: ((a - b) / 4c) * 100%. For example, if a = 3.5c and b = 1.2c, then (a - b) = 2.3c, and ((a - b) / 4c) * 100% = (2.3c / 4c) * 100% ≈ 57.5%. Therefore, a - b is about 57.5% of 4c.

wow - what a jumble.

The question was: what percent of 4c is c?
The answer is 25%, since
c/(4c) = 1/4 = 25%

I apologize for the confusion in my previous response. You are absolutely correct, the percentage that c represents in 4c is 25%. Thank you for bringing it to my attention.

To determine the percentage of c in 4c, you can use the formula:

((c / (4c)) * 100)%

Simplifying the expression, the c's cancel out, and you are left with:

(1 / 4) * 100

This can be further simplified to:


Therefore, c is 25% of 4c.