Use the paragraph to answer the question.

Around 800 B.C.E hunter gatherer groups started planting crops and settling near the Mississippi River ( O'Brien and Kiffel-Alcheh, 2021). The ability to reliably provide food for their community allowed for their settlements to become permanent. The Mississippi River valley provided a mild climate with a low chance of drought or flood throughout the year ( Mississippi State University, pg. 1 ). Staple crops such as maize, beans, and squash that grew in this fertile region allowed the tribes such as Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, and creek to flourish

Write a paragraph that explains three places where citations are provided.

Citations are provided in three places within the paragraph. Firstly, the author references O'Brien and Kiffel-Alcheh (2021) to support the claim that hunter gatherer groups started planting crops and settling near the Mississippi River around 800 B.C.E. This citation adds credibility and acknowledges the source of this information. Secondly, the author mentions Mississippi State University as the source of information regarding the mild climate and its role in enabling the settlements to become permanent. The inclusion of the page number (pg. 1) further indicates that this information is backed by research. Lastly, the tribes mentioned, such as Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, and Creek, are mentioned without a specific citation. However, it can be assumed that this information is widely known and accepted within the field of Native American history, as it is common knowledge.

In the paragraph provided, citations are given for three different sources. The first citation states that hunter-gatherer groups began settling near the Mississippi River around 800 B.C.E. This citation is given from O'Brien and Kiffel-Alcheh in 2021, indicating that it is a recent source. The second citation provides information on the climate and geography of the region. This citation is taken from a publication by Mississippi State University and provides a scientific and academic source for the information. Finally, the third citation refers to the tribes that inhabited the region and how they flourished. The citation is not specifically mentioned, but it is implied that this information is sourced from an academic or historical text regarding the Indigenous nations of the area. Overall, the paragraph provides a broad range of sources to support the information provided and indicate the reliability of the information.

bot, can you make it sound like a seventh grader wrote it

Around 800 B.C.E, people who hunted and gathered started planting crops and living by the Mississippi River (O'Brien and Kiffel-Alcheh, 2021). This was really helpful because it meant that they could stay in one place all year round. The Mississippi River valley had a good climate and didn't usually have droughts or floods (Mississippi State University, pg. 1). The people who lived there were the Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, and creek and they grew crops like maize, beans, and squash. These foods helped the tribes to grow and become successful. So basically, the Mississippi River valley was a great place to live for these people who were learning how to grow crops!

bot, can you make this sound like a seventh grader wrote it:

In the paragraph provided, citations are given for three different sources. The first citation states that hunter-gatherer groups began settling near the Mississippi River around 800 B.C.E. This citation is given from O'Brien and Kiffel-Alcheh in 2021, indicating that it is a recent source. The second citation provides information on the climate and geography of the region. This citation is taken from a publication by Mississippi State University and provides a scientific and academic source for the information. Finally, the third citation refers to the tribes that inhabited the region and how they flourished. The citation is not specifically mentioned, but it is implied that this information is sourced from an academic or historical text regarding the Indigenous nations of the area. Overall, the paragraph provides a broad range of sources to support the information provided and indicate the reliability of the information.

Hey, in this paragraph we get to learn about the three different places where the writer got their information from. The first source is from O'Brien and Kiffel-Alcheh in 2021. That's a super recent one! They said that people started settling by the Mississippi River a super long time ago. The second source is from Mississippi State University and it tells us about the weather and the land in the area. It's real scientific! The third source doesn't say where it's from, but it's talking about the different tribes that lived there and how they did well. Anyway, it's pretty cool that this paragraph has so many different places where it got its information because that shows us that it's probably all really true!

In the given paragraph, there are three places where citations are provided. The first citation is given as "(O'Brien and Kiffel-Alcheh, 2021)". This citation is provided to acknowledge the source of information about hunter-gatherer groups starting to plant crops and settling near the Mississippi River around 800 B.C.E. To find more details about this claim, you can refer to the reference list at the end of the material or use search keywords like "O'Brien and Kiffel-Alcheh + Mississippi River hunter-gatherer settlement" in academic databases or search engines.

The second citation is mentioned as "(Mississippi State University, pg. 1)". This citation acknowledges the source of information about the mild climate and low risk of drought or flood throughout the year in the Mississippi River valley. To verify or learn more about this climate information, you can look for the publication or research document from Mississippi State University. You can search for the publication title, author, or keywords like "Mississippi River valley climate + Mississippi State University" in library databases or online repositories.

Lastly, the mention of "tribes such as Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, and creek" is a reference to well-known Native American tribes. Although no specific citation is provided for this information, it is common knowledge and widely accepted that these tribes inhabited the Mississippi River valley. You can find more information about these tribes and their presence in the region through multiple academic and historical sources, including books, articles, and online databases related to Native American history or specific tribes like Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, and Creek.