has anyone done the statistics unit test? its the last 6th grade semeter B math test.

after last time i cant take your answers bot

The experiment in which the elements of the dataset are most likely to be measured in liters is when Lora asks her neighbors how much water they drink each day.

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For which experiment are the elements of the dataset most likely to be measured in liters?(1 point)


Tracey asks her friends to estimate the weight of a bucket full of water.
Tracey asks her friends to estimate the weight of a bucket full of water.

Thaddeus asks his friends how far they live from the local library.
Thaddeus asks his friends how far they live from the local library.

Lora asks her neighbors how much water they drink each day.
Lora asks her neighbors how much water they drink each day.

Ingram asks the local fire department how long it takes them on average to put out a fire.

Use the image to answer the question.

A number line with arrows on both sides extends from 86 to 90 in increments of 1. It shows an abacus-like representation with open circles equally spaced in vertical rows above the numbers. There is one open circle above 86, four open circles above 87, no circles above 88, six open circles above 89, and four open circles above 90.

Mel creates this dot plot based on a numerical dataset. Which dataset did he use to get the information for his dot plot?

(1 point)

86 1
87 4
88 0
89 6
90 486 1 87 4 88 0 89 6 90 4 ,

86 1
87 4
88 0
89 5
90 486 1 87 4 88 0 89 5 90 4 ,

86 0
87 4
88 1
89 6
90 48 6 0 87 4 88 1 89 6 90 4 ,

86 1
87 4
88 0
89 6
90 3 8 6 1 87 4 88 0 89 6 90 3 ,

Mel used the dataset consisting of:

86 1
87 4
88 0
89 6
90 4

This dataset is represented by the dot plot described in the image.

Kwon records the low temperatures in degrees Celsius on 10 consecutive days. His dataset includes the following numbers:

18, 16, 21, 10, 10, 15, 12, 20, 17, 11

Kwon uses the template below to create a histogram with bins as shown.


10 14 18 22

Which bar will be the highest? Identify the range for the correct bar.

(1 point)
From_____ to just under_____.

The bar that will be the highest in the histogram will be the one that corresponds to the range from 10 to just under 14 degrees Celsius.

This range contains the values 10, 10, 12, and 11. These values all fall into the first bin (10-14 degrees Celsius), which will have the highest frequency in the histogram.

these better not be wrong like last time