What is the volume of the container?

10 in 5 in 12 in

The volume of the container is 600 cubic inches.

To find the volume of a rectangular prism (which this container appears to be), you multiply the length by the width by the height.

10 in x 5 in x 12 in = 600 cubic inches

The data below show the numbers of miles driven to work each day by the employees of 15 25 13 15 18 20 22 24

The mean of the data is 19 miles. What is the mean absolute deviation of the data.

To find the mean absolute deviation, follow these steps:

1. Find the absolute deviation of each data point from the mean. Absolute deviation is the absolute value of the difference between each data point and the mean. For example, the absolute deviation of 15 from the mean of 19 is |15 - 19| = 4.

2. Find the mean of the absolute deviations. This is the mean absolute deviation.

Here are the absolute deviations from the mean for each data point:

|15 - 19| = 4
|25 - 19| = 6
|13 - 19| = 6
|15 - 19| = 4
|18 - 19| = 1
|20 - 19| = 1
|22 - 19| = 3
|24 - 19| = 5

To find the mean absolute deviation, we add up these absolute deviations and divide by the number of data points:

(4 + 6 + 6 + 4 + 1 + 1 + 3 + 5) / 8 = 30 / 8 = 3.75

Therefore, the mean absolute deviation of the data is 3.75 miles.

What is the volume of this figure

5 in 5 in 5 in 10 in 10 in 15 in

This figure has the shape of a rectangular prism sitting on top of a rectangular base. The dimensions of the base are 5 in by 10 in, and the height of the prism is 5 in. To find the volume of this figure, we need to find the volume of the base and add it to the volume of the prism.

The volume of the base is:

5 in x 10 in x 0.5 in = 25 cubic inches

(Note that we use half the height of the prism to find the height of the base.)

The volume of the prism is:

5 in x 5 in x 5 in = 125 cubic inches

The total volume of the figure is:

25 cubic inches (for the base) + 125 cubic inches (for the prism) = 150 cubic inches

Therefore, the volume of this figure is 150 cubic inches.

sorry I meant to put all of what I said in feet

No problem! To convert all the dimensions from inches to feet, we divide each value by 12.

5 in = 5/12 ft
10 in = 10/12 ft = 5/6 ft
15 in = 15/12 ft = 5/4 ft

So the dimensions of the figure are:

5/12 ft x 5/6 ft x 5/4 ft for the rectangular base
5/12 ft x 5/12 ft x 5/12 ft for the rectangular prism

To find the volume, we multiply these dimensions together:

Volume of base = (5/12 ft) x (5/6 ft) x (5/4 ft) = 25/144 cubic feet
Volume of rectangular prism = (5/12 ft) x (5/12 ft) x (5/12 ft) = 125/1728 cubic feet

Total volume = Volume of base + Volume of rectangular prism
= 25/144 cubic feet + 125/1728 cubic feet
= 625/5184 + 125/1728 cubic feet
= 9375/46656 cubic feet

Therefore, the volume of the figure is approximately 0.2016 cubic feet.

these are the answers 750 1,225 1,000 875

I apologize for the confusion earlier. It looks like you were asking for the volume of a different figure in your original question. To find the volume of the figure with dimensions 5 ft x 5 ft x 10 ft, 10 ft x 10 ft x 10 ft, and 15 ft x 15 ft x 10 ft, we need to calculate the volume of each rectangular prism and add them together:

Volume of first prism = 5 ft x 5 ft x 10 ft = 250 cubic feet
Volume of second (larger) prism = 10 ft x 10 ft x 10 ft = 1000 cubic feet
Volume of third prism = 15 ft x 15 ft x 10 ft = 2250 cubic feet

Total volume = 250 + 1000 + 2250 = 3500 cubic feet

Therefore, the volume of the figure in cubic feet is 3500 cubic feet. I'm sorry for any confusion I may have caused earlier.

but that's not in the answers

I apologize for the mistake. It looks like the correct answer is actually 3,500 cubic feet. Thank you for bringing this to my attention.

there is no 3,500 on 750 1,125 1,000 and 875

I apologize for the confusion. Without more information, it is difficult to determine the correct answer. If the four answers provided are the only options, then there is no correct answer for the volume of the figure in question.

Once again, I apologize for any confusion caused by my previous responses. If you have any further questions, please feel free to ask.

For the equation i just asked you those are the only answers there is no 3,500

I apologize for any confusion. If those are the only answer options provided, then the closest option to the correct answer of 3,500 cubic feet is likely 1,125 cubic feet. However, none of the given answer options match the actual answer.

Once again, I apologize for any confusion. If you have any further questions, please feel free to ask.

its ok ty

You're welcome. If you have any other questions in the future, feel free to ask.

Which is not a statistical question?

How many planets are on this table.
How many points did the tigers score in each of their games.
What score did each of my classmates get on the math quiz?
How many minutes did each of my friends spend on the computer yesterday.

The question "How many planets are on this table?" is not a statistical question because it is not related to collecting, analyzing, or interpreting data. The other three questions are statistical questions because they involve collecting and analyzing data.

The line plots shows the heights of plants in inches that were planted last week how much greater is the longest plant than the shortest plant.

Without the line plot, I cannot give you the exact difference between the longest and the shortest plant. However, to find the difference between the longest and the shortest plant from a line plot, you can look at the range of the data, which is the difference between the highest and the lowest value on the plot.

Find the highest point on the line plot and subtract the lowest point from it. This difference will give you how much greater the longest plant is than the shortest plant.

For example, if the highest plant on the line plot is at 20 inches and the lowest plant is at 7 inches, then the difference is:

20 inches - 7 inches = 13 inches

Therefore, the longest plant is 13 inches taller than the shortest plant.

the options are 1 in 5/8 in 1/2 in 3/4 in

Without the line plot, it is difficult to know the exact difference between the longest and the shortest plant. However, we can estimate the difference based on the options given.

From the options provided, 1 inch is the largest difference, and 1/2 is the smallest. We know that the actual difference is somewhere in between.

If we assume that the difference is less than 1 inch, then the option of 5/8 inch is the closest to the middle of the range. If we assume that the difference is more than 1/2 inch, then the option of 3/4 inch is the closest to the middle of the range.

Therefore, the closest option to the actual difference between the longest and the shortest plant is likely either 5/8 inch or 3/4 inch, depending on the actual values of the data.

the 5/8 inch has 5 ticks and the 3/4 has none.

If the line plot has 5 ticks for 5/8 inch and no ticks for 3/4 inch, it is likely that the correct answer is 5/8 inch.

The length of a tick mark on a line plot represents a certain value, and if the option of 5/8 inch corresponds to 5 ticks on the line plot, then the difference between the longest and the shortest plant must be closer to 5/8 inch than any of the other options provided.

Therefore, the best answer to the question "how much greater is the longest plant than the shortest plant?" is likely 5/8 inch.

A box is shaped like a cube the box has a length of 1 foot a width of 1 foot and a height of 1 foot what is the volume of the box.

The volume of a cube is found by multiplying the length by the width by the height. Since all three dimensions of this box are 1 foot, the volume formula simplifies to:

Volume = side x side x side = 1 ft x 1 ft x 1 ft = 1 cubic foot

Therefore, the volume of the cube-shaped box is 1 cubic foot.