What should a writer know before they begin writing? Select the two correct answers. explain how you got your answer.(1 point)



rhetorical strategies


critiquing skills

The two correct answers are audience and purpose.

- Audience: A writer should have a clear understanding of their intended audience before they begin writing. This helps in tailoring the language, tone, and content of the writing to effectively communicate and engage with the audience. Without considering the target audience, a writer may fail to connect or convey their message properly.

- Purpose: Knowing the purpose of the writing is crucial, as it determines what the writer intends to achieve with their piece. Whether it is to inform, persuade, entertain, or educate, the purpose guides the overall structure, style, and content choices. Without a clear purpose in mind, a writer may struggle to organize their thoughts and effectively communicate their ideas.

1 statements used to convey meaning, provoke a response, or persuade readers

2 purpose and audience

3 The students agreed that the social program need more funding

4 I don’t know the rest I need help

The two correct answers are:

1. Audience: Before beginning to write, a writer should have an understanding of their intended audience. This knowledge helps in determining the appropriate tone, style, and level of complexity to use in the writing. By considering the audience, a writer can effectively communicate their message and engage the readers.

2. Purpose: It is crucial for a writer to know the purpose of their writing, whether it is to inform, persuade, entertain, or a combination of these. Understanding the purpose helps writers stay focused and structure their content appropriately. It guides them in selecting relevant information and organizing it effectively to achieve the desired outcome.

Syntax, rhetorical strategies, and critiquing skills are important aspects of writing, but they are not as essential as understanding the audience and purpose before the writing process begins.

The two correct answers are "audience" and "purpose".

To determine the correct answers, we need to understand the key elements of writing and what writers should consider before starting the writing process.

Syntax refers to the rules and structure of a language, including grammar and sentence construction. While knowledge of syntax is important for effective writing, it is not specifically something a writer needs to know before beginning to write. Therefore, syntax is not one of the correct answers.

Critiquing skills are valuable for writers as they involve analyzing and evaluating written works. However, they are not something a writer necessarily needs in order to start writing. Therefore, critiquing skills are not one of the correct answers.

On the other hand, understanding the audience and purpose are crucial before a writer begins writing. The audience refers to the intended readers or listeners of the written piece. A writer should have an understanding of who their target audience is to tailor their writing style, tone, and content accordingly. The purpose refers to the writer's goal or intention for writing. Knowing the purpose helps a writer focus their message and effectively communicate it to the readers.

Rhetorical strategies, which involve using language effectively and persuasively, are also an essential consideration for writers. However, while rhetorical strategies greatly enhance the quality of writing, they are not necessary pre-requisites for starting the writing process. Therefore, rhetorical strategies are not one of the correct answers.

To summarize, a writer should know the audience and purpose before they begin writing, as this helps them tailor their approach and effectively communicate their message. Therefore, the correct answers are "audience" and "purpose".