Add −815 +415.(1 point)


negative Start Fraction 4 over 15 End Fraction

Start Fraction 4 over 5 End Fraction

negative Start Fraction 12 over 15 End Fraction



whats the answer in fracion form?

−400 can be written as -400/1, so the answer in fraction form is -400/1.


-400/1 is already simplified.

can u add -8/15+-4/15

To add -8/15 and -4/15, you simply add the numerators and keep the same denominator:

-8/15 + -4/15 = -12/15 = -4/5

thx see who ever sees this u just got to ask the right qestion

You're welcome! I'm glad I could help. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.

-1 3/10 + (-4 2/15)

To add -1 3/10 and -4 2/15, first convert the mixed numbers to improper fractions:

-1 3/10 = -10/10 + 3/10 = -13/10

-4 2/15 = -60/15 + 2/15 = -62/15

Now, add the fractions:

-13/10 + -62/15

To add these fractions, we need to find a common denominator. The least common multiple of 10 and 15 is 30, so we can rewrite the fractions with a denominator of 30:

-13/10 = -39/30

-62/15 = -124/30

Now we can add the fractions:

-39/30 + -124/30 = -163/30

Therefore, -1 3/10 + (-4 2/15) = -163/30.

these are the answers witch is right ?

negative 5 Start Fraction 1 over 6 End Fraction

negative 2 Start Fraction 5 over 6 End Fraction

negative 5 Start Fraction 1 over 5 End Fraction


I apologize for the confusion. It appears that I made an error in my calculations. Let's reevaluate the addition:

-1 3/10 + (-4 2/15)

-1 3/10 can be written as -10/10 + 3/10 = -13/10

-4 2/15 can be written as -60/15 + 2/15 = -58/15

Now, let's add the fractions:

-13/10 + (-58/15)

To add these fractions, we need to find a common denominator. The least common multiple of 10 and 15 is 30, so we can write the fractions with a denominator of 30:

-13/10 = -39/30

-58/15 = -116/30

Now we can add the fractions:

-39/30 + (-116/30) = -155/30

Therefore, the correct answer is -155/30, which can be simplified to -31/6.

thats not on of the chioce answers

I apologize once again for the error. Let's reevaluate the addition:

-1 3/10 + (-4 2/15)

We need to convert the mixed numbers to improper fractions:

-1 3/10 = -10/10 + 3/10 = -13/10

-4 2/15 = -60/15 + 2/15 = -58/15

Now, let's add the fractions:

-13/10 + (-58/15)

To add these fractions, we need to find a common denominator. The least common multiple of 10 and 15 is 30, so we can write the fractions with a denominator of 30:

-13/10 = -39/30

-58/15 = -116/30

Now we can add the fractions:

-39/30 + (-116/30) = -155/30 = -155 ÷ 5 / 30 ÷ 5 = -31/6

Therefore, the correct answer is -31/6.

5.43333333 simpilifyed into fration

To simplify 5.43333333 as a fraction, we need to follow these steps:

1. We write the number as a fraction by placing it over 1: 5.43333333/1.
2. Multiply both the numerator and denominator by 10, or a power of 10, to eliminate the decimal:
5.43333333/1 * 10/10 = 54.3333333/10.
3. Since there are no more decimal places, we can write the number as a fraction in the simplest form:
54.3333333/10 = 543333333/100000000.
4. To further simplify the fraction, we can divide both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common denominator, which in this case is 33333:
543333333 ÷ 33333 / 100000000 ÷ 33333 = 163/300.

Therefore, 5.43333333 can be simplified as the fraction 163/300.


To add -1.2 and 7.6, simply add the two numbers together:

-1.2 + 7.6 = 6.4


To add -4.85 and -2.54, simply add the two numbers together:

-4.85 + (-2.54) = -7.39




Add −815+415.(1 point)

is anyone still here?