Add 8/15+4/15

When you add the fractions 8/15 and 4/15, you combine the numerators (the numbers on top) and keep the same denominator (the number on the bottom).

So, 8/15 + 4/15 = (8 + 4)/15 = 12/15

Therefore, the sum of 8/15 and 4/15 is 12/15.

Add -1 3/10+ -4 2/15

To add mixed numbers, you first need to convert them into improper fractions. Let's convert -1 3/10 and -4 2/15 into improper fractions.

-1 3/10 can be written as -(1*10 + 3)/10 = -13/10.
-4 2/15 can be written as -(4*15 + 2)/15 = -62/15.

Now, we can add the fractions:

-13/10 + (-62/15)

To add fractions with different denominators, we need to find a common denominator. The common denominator for 10 and 15 is 30.

Multiply -13/10 by 3/3 to get -39/30.
Multiply -62/15 by 2/2 to get -124/30.

Now, we can add the fractions:

-39/30 + (-124/30) = (-39 - 124)/30 = -163/30.

Therefore, the sum of -1 3/10 and -4 2/15 is -163/30.

To add 8/15 and 4/15:

Step 1: Confirm the denominators are the same. In this case, both fractions have a denominator of 15, so no conversion is needed.

Step 2: Add the numerators. 8 + 4 = 12.

Step 3: Write the sum over the shared denominator. The resulting fraction is 12/15.

Therefore, 8/15 + 4/15 = 12/15.