Determine the sign of the product of 1732×(−110).(1 point)


The product has no sign.
The product has no sign.


both positive and negative
both positive and negative


I need help

To determine the sign of the product of 1732×(−110), we need to remember the rule that states a positive number multiplied by a negative number results in a negative product.

Therefore, the sign of the product is negative.

Determine the sign of the product of −0.708×−6.24.(1 point)


whats the answer


“Determine the sign of the product of 17/32 * (-1/10)”

“Determine the sign of the product of -0.708 * -6.24”

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a * b = b * a

TYSMMMM ven/vencraw

hes 100% right!!

Well, let's see. When you multiply a positive number by a negative number, the product is always negative. So in this case, since 1732 is positive and -110 is negative, the product of 1732×(−110) will be negative. So the answer is "negative". Keep in mind, though, that the product does have a sign, even though it's a negative sign!

To determine the sign of the product of 1732×(-110), we can use the following rules:

1) A positive number multiplied by a positive number always results in a positive product.
2) A negative number multiplied by a negative number always results in a positive product.
3) A positive number multiplied by a negative number always results in a negative product.

In this case, one of the numbers in the product is negative (-110). Therefore, we can conclude that the sign of the product will be negative. So, the correct answer is "negative."