In 3-5 sentences, compare the causes and effects of constitutional monarchy in England with the causes and effects of absolute monarchy in Russia (4 points)

Both constitutional monarchy in England and absolute monarchy in Russia were responses to different political and social contexts. In England, the causes of constitutional monarchy were primarily rooted in a desire to limit the power of the monarch and establish a system of government based on the rule of law and individual rights. The effects of constitutional monarchy in England were the establishment of parliamentary sovereignty and the gradual development of modern democratic institutions. In contrast, the causes of absolute monarchy in Russia were influenced by a long history of autocratic rule and a desire for centralized control and stability. The effects of absolute monarchy in Russia were the concentration of power in the hands of the tsar, limited political freedoms, and social inequality.

The causes of constitutional monarchy in England can be attributed to factors such as the Magna Carta, the English Civil War, and the Glorious Revolution. These events led to the establishment of a limited monarchy, where the power of the monarch was checked by a constitution and a parliamentary system. The effects of constitutional monarchy in England included a more stable and balanced government, protection of individual rights, and the emergence of a system where power is shared between the monarch and parliament.

On the other hand, the causes of absolute monarchy in Russia were primarily rooted in a desire for centralized power and control by the monarch. Russian tsars consolidated authority and limited the power of the nobility, leading to the establishment of absolute monarchy. This centralization of power came at the expense of individual rights and led to autocratic rule, with the monarch having unlimited authority. The effects of absolute monarchy in Russia included a lack of political and social reforms, widespread inequality, and limited opportunities for social mobility.

In summary, while the causes and effects of constitutional monarchy in England and absolute monarchy in Russia both revolve around the institution of monarchy, their outcomes were vastly different. Constitutional monarchy in England led to greater political stability and individual rights, whereas absolute monarchy in Russia resulted in autocratic rule and limited societal progress.

To compare the causes and effects of constitutional monarchy in England with absolute monarchy in Russia, start by researching the historical context of each country. Look into the Glorious Revolution in England, which resulted in the establishment of a constitutional monarchy, and Peter the Great's reign in Russia, where he consolidated power as an absolute monarch. Understand the factors that led to these different systems of governance, such as political, social, and economic factors. Then, analyze the effects of constitutional monarchy in England, like the establishment of a parliamentary system and the protection of individual rights, against the effects of absolute monarchy in Russia, such as the concentration of power and limited political freedoms. This analysis will allow you to draw meaningful comparisons between the two systems.

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