Which type of evidence uses the viewpoint of someone with authority on a topic?

The type of evidence that uses the viewpoint of someone with authority on a topic is called expert testimony.

1: expert opinion

2: it has a powerful stinger.
3: Local business make lager donations to charities.
4: a personal story or experience
5: It will increase local traffic.
Trust me these are the right answers!!

Joe dirt is right lol

The type of evidence that uses the viewpoint of someone with authority on a topic is called "authoritative evidence."

The type of evidence that uses the viewpoint of someone with authority on a topic is called expert opinion. Expert opinion refers to the perspective or judgment of individuals who are recognized as credible and knowledgeable within their field. These individuals have extensive experience, education, or research that supports their authority on a particular subject.

To find evidence that uses expert opinion, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the topic or subject you are researching.
2. Determine who the authorities or experts are in that field. This could be scholars, researchers, professionals, or individuals who have published extensively.
3. Look for scholarly articles, books, research papers, or interviews where these authorities express their opinions or viewpoints on the topic.
4. Evaluate the credentials and reputation of the experts. Consider factors such as their educational background, professional experience, affiliations, and any accolades or recognition they have received.
5. Read or analyze their opinions and viewpoints to see how they contribute to the understanding of your topic.
6. Use these expert opinions to support your own arguments or to gain insights into the topic you are studying.

It is important to note that while expert opinions can be influential, it is always recommended to critically assess the supporting evidence and consider various viewpoints to form a well-rounded understanding of the topic.