Which of the following correctly used the Product Rule of Exponents to simplify the expression 100^8⋅100^7?

To simplify the expression $100^8\cdot100^7$, we can use the Product Rule of Exponents which states that for any non-zero real numbers $a$ and $b$ and any integer $m$,

\[a^m\cdot b^m = (a\cdot b)^m.\]Applying this rule, we find \[100^8\cdot100^7 = (100\cdot100)^{8+7} = (10000)^{15}.\]Therefore, $\boxed{(10000)^{15}}$ is the correct expression.

To simplify the expression 100^8 ⋅ 100^7 using the Product Rule of Exponents, we can add the exponents.

According to the Product Rule of Exponents, when multiplying two numbers with the same base, we add the exponents.

So, in this case, we can add the exponents 8 and 7 which gives us:

100^8 ⋅ 100^7 = 100^(8 + 7) = 100^15

Therefore, the expression 100^8 ⋅ 100^7 can be simplified to 100^15.