Which of these technologies was a cultural development in ancient Egypt?(1 point)


mass production
mass production

hygiene products
hygiene products

the number zero
the number zero

the arch bridge

the arch bridge

Sargon the Great likely established the world’s great empire. Which empire was this?(1 point)


Hittite Empire
Hittite Empire

Babylonian Empire
Babylonian Empire

Assyrian Empire
Assyrian Empire

Akkadian Empire

Akkadian Empire

Why was written language likely developed?(1 point)


It gave soldiers a common way to communicate military instructions prior to battle.
It gave soldiers a common way to communicate military instructions prior to battle.

It allowed ritualistic prayers to be written for all to read.
It allowed ritualistic prayers to be written for all to read.

It provided law codes for the public.
It provided law codes for the public.

It allowed trade over long distances.

It allowed trade over long distances.

The cultural development in ancient Egypt was the arch bridge.

The cultural development in ancient Egypt from the given options is most likely the arch bridge. To find the answer, we can examine each option and consider its relevance to ancient Egyptian culture.

1. Mass production: Mass production is a process of producing large quantities of goods. However, there is limited evidence to suggest that ancient Egyptians practiced mass production techniques. They were known for their craftsmanship and detailed work on individual items rather than producing large quantities.

2. Hygiene products: Although hygiene was important in ancient Egypt, there is no significant evidence to indicate the development or widespread use of specific hygiene products during that time.

3. The number zero: The concept of zero as a numerical placeholder was not introduced in ancient Egypt. It emerged later in different cultures and civilizations.

4. The arch bridge: Ancient Egyptians were skilled architects and engineers, having built many impressive structures. While they primarily used post and lintel construction methods, they did have knowledge of the arch and utilized it in some architectural designs. The arched roof, for example, was a common feature in tombs and temples.

Considering the information provided, the arch bridge is the most likely technology that can be considered a cultural development in ancient Egypt.