Which statement explains why you perceive light when you rub your eyelids?(1 point)


When you rub your eyelids, you may perceive light because the friction and pressure stimulate the cells in your retina, causing them to fire and send electrical signals to your brain. These signals are then interpreted by your brain as the perception of light.

Sensory Receptors Quick Check

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Which statement explains why you perceive light when you rub your eyelids?(1 point)

Rubbing your eyes sends pressure waves to the part of the brain that perceives pressure.
Rubbing your eyes sends pressure waves to the part of the brain that perceives pressure.

Rubbing your eyes stimulates mechanoreceptors in the eye.
Rubbing your eyes stimulates mechanoreceptors in the eye.

Rubbing your eyes stimulates photoreceptors in your eyes.
Rubbing your eyes stimulates photoreceptors in your eyes.

Rubbing your eyes sends pressure waves to the part of the brain that perceives light.
Rubbing your eyes sends pressure waves to the part of the brain that perceives light.
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Rubbing your eyes stimulates mechanoreceptors in the eye.

Rubbing your eyelids may stimulate the cells in your retina, specifically the rods and cones, which are responsible for detecting light. When you apply pressure to your eyelids, these cells may become temporarily activated, sending signals to your brain that are interpreted as perceiving light. This phenomenon is known as phosphenes, and it is why you may perceive light when you rub your eyelids.