After completing her military service, Gwen will have money to spend on her training or education. Which of the following is what entitles her to this money?

(1 point)

blended learning
blended learning

Montgomery G.I. Bill
Montgomery G.I. Bill

on-the-job training
on-the-job training


no it isn't its the Montgomery G.I bill because The Montgomery GI Bill can help you pay for education and training programs.


You are correct, the Montgomery G.I. Bill is what entitles Gwen to receive money for her training or education. Thank you for providing the correct answer.

The correct answer is the Montgomery G.I. Bill. This entitlement allows Gwen to receive money for education or training after completing her military service.

To determine which option entitles Gwen to money for training or education after completing her military service, we need to understand the different options listed:

1. Blended Learning: Blended learning refers to an approach that combines traditional classroom instruction with online learning. However, it does not directly entitle Gwen to any financial benefits.

2. Montgomery G.I. Bill: The Montgomery G.I. Bill is a federal program that provides educational benefits to veterans. It can offer financial assistance for tuition, books, and other educational expenses.

3. On-the-Job Training: On-the-Job Training (OJT) refers to a type of vocational training where individuals receive instruction while working in a specific job setting. While OJT provides valuable hands-on experience, it does not typically come with direct financial assistance.

4. Vo-tech: Vo-tech, also known as vocational-technical education, refers to training and education in a specific trade or skill. Similar to on-the-job training, vo-tech does not guarantee financial assistance.

Therefore, the option that entitles Gwen to money for training or education after completing her military service is the "Montgomery G.I. Bill." This program is specifically designed to support veterans in pursuing further education and provides financial benefits to eligible individuals.