Use the additive inverse to find -492.89 - (-871.78)?

To find the difference between -492.89 and -(-871.78), we can use the additive inverse.

The additive inverse of -(-871.78) is 871.78.

Therefore, -492.89 - (-871.78) can be rewritten as -492.89 + 871.78.

Simplifying, we get 378.89.

Thus, -492.89 - (-871.78) is equal to 378.89.

To find the difference between -492.89 and -871.78 using the additive inverse, we can change the subtraction operation to addition by multiplying -871.78 by -1, which gives us 871.78:

-492.89 + 871.78

Now you can add the numbers:

-492.89 + 871.78 = 378.89

Therefore, the difference between -492.89 and -871.78 is 378.89.