1. ------ is the literal meaning of a word. ---- describes the feeling a word invokes in addition to its literal meaning.

2. Which of these are the best places to find clues to the central idea of a passage? Select the two correct answers.
A. the spelling of the author’s name
B. the glossary
C. the date of publication
D. the title
E. the headings and subheadings
3. Which detail from the passage supports the same idea expressed in the statement “And this is your space”?
A. Most pieces are presented in both text and audio, and pictures are accompanied by descriptions for people who cannot see the images.”
B. Many writers [are] asking who is afforded space to write in a world that often renders disabled people invisible.”
C. “A lot of literary events are not accessible. . . [they] don’t think ahead of time about, ‘Oh, there might be people with disabilities who want to attend.’”
D. “There’s been a lot of controversy about how people with disabilities are represented in the literary community, and . . . the diversity of disability literature.”
4. What is a central idea of this section?
A. New technologies can make literary events accessible to more people.
B. Literary events include live poetry readings, live-streamed events, panels, and workshops.
C. All buildings need to follow the standards of the Americans With Disabilities Act.
D. Literary spaces need to be made more inclusive.

5. How does the author use the last paragraph to develop and refine the central idea?
A. The author’s central idea is that the lack of representation of people with disabilities leaves science worse off. The last paragraph gives reasons that people with disabilities are needed in science—because they have tremendous innovative capacities.
B. The author’s central idea is that more than 25 percent of adults in the United States identify as having a disability. The last paragraph gives reasons that people who have a disability are not represented in science.
C. The author’s central idea is that people with disabilities are underrepresented in scientific breakthroughs and technological development at the professional level. The last paragraph gives reasons the climate crisis and a growing global population make this problem worse.
D. The author’s central idea is that people with disabilities are underrepresented in scientific breakthroughs and technological development at the professional level. The last paragraph gives reasons they are likely to be better represented in the future.
6. Which detail in the section “Why this matters” supports the main idea of the section?
A. Butterflies pollinate flowers, control plant populations by munching on leaves as caterpillars, and provide food for other insects, birds, amphibians, and mammals.
B. I think we know enough now to act,” Wepprich said.
C. “But I think of the situation as, like, death by a thousand cuts.”
D. But butterflies also act as big, flashy beautiful warning signs for environmental change.
7. Which transition word in the passage indicates a comparison and contrast text structure?
A. When
B. Never
C. Clarity
D. But

1. ----- is the literal meaning of a word. (Denotation)

---- describes the feeling a word invokes in addition to its literal meaning. (Connotation)

2. The best places to find clues to the central idea of a passage are:
D. the title
E. the headings and subheadings

3. The detail from the passage that supports the same idea expressed in the statement "And this is your space" is:
B. Many writers [are] asking who is afforded space to write in a world that often renders disabled people invisible.

4. The central idea of this section is:
D. Literary spaces need to be made more inclusive.

5. The author uses the last paragraph to develop and refine the central idea by:
C. The author’s central idea is that people with disabilities are underrepresented in scientific breakthroughs and technological development at the professional level. The last paragraph gives reasons the climate crisis and a growing global population make this problem worse.

6. The detail in the section "Why this matters" that supports the main idea of the section is:
D. But butterflies also act as big, flashy beautiful warning signs for environmental change.

7. The transition word in the passage that indicates a comparison and contrast text structure is:
D. But

What they found

Why this matters

Changes in the butterflies signal larger environmental changes.
There was a difference in how northern and Southern Ohio butterflies weren't doing

Insect decline affect habitats

The data from Ohio matched studies from other countries

The transition word in the passage that indicates a comparison and contrast text structure is:

D. But

1. Nuance - is the literal meaning of a word. Connotation describes the feeling a word invokes in addition to its literal meaning.

2. D. the title and E. the headings and subheadings.
3. A. "Most pieces are presented in both text and audio, and pictures are accompanied by descriptions for people who cannot see the images."
4. D. Literary spaces need to be made more inclusive.
5. C. The author’s central idea is that people with disabilities are underrepresented in scientific breakthroughs and technological development at the professional level. The last paragraph gives reasons the climate crisis and a growing global population make this problem worse.
6. D. But butterflies also act as big, flashy beautiful warning signs for environmental change.
7. D. But

1. The literal meaning of a word is called Denotation, while the feeling a word invokes in addition to its literal meaning is called Connotation.

2. The best places to find clues to the central idea of a passage are D. the title and E. the headings and subheadings.

3. The detail from the passage that supports the same idea expressed in the statement “And this is your space” is B. "Many writers [are] asking who is afforded space to write in a world that often renders disabled people invisible."

4. The central idea of this section is D. Literary spaces need to be made more inclusive.

5. The author uses the last paragraph to develop and refine the central idea by presenting reasons why people with disabilities are likely to be better represented in the future.

6. The detail in the section "Why this matters" that supports the main idea of the section is D. "But butterflies also act as big, flashy beautiful warning signs for environmental change."

7. The transition word in the passage that indicates a comparison and contrast text structure is D. "But".

1. The literal meaning of a word is called its denotation, while the feeling a word invokes in addition to its literal meaning is called its connotation.

To find the answer to this question, you can use a dictionary or a credible online source to search for the definitions of the given words. The denotation of a word will provide you with its literal meaning, while the connotation will describe the feelings or associations that the word carries. By comparing these definitions, you will be able to identify the correct answers.

2. The best places to find clues to the central idea of a passage are the title and the headings/subheadings.

To determine the central idea of a passage, you need to consider the main topic or message that the author is conveying. Titles are often a concise summary of the main idea, providing a clue to the overall focus of the passage. Similarly, headings and subheadings within the passage can give you an indication of the different sections or topics covered, which can help you identify the central idea.

Spelling of the author's name, glossaries, and date of publication may not necessarily give you direct clues about the central idea of a passage, as they are more related to the context or background information. While they can be useful in understanding the passage as a whole, they may not specifically lead you to the central idea.

3. The detail from the passage that supports the same idea expressed in the statement “And this is your space” is option B: "Many writers [are] asking who is afforded space to write in a world that often renders disabled people invisible."

To identify this detail, you need to analyze the statement "And this is your space" and look for information in the passage that aligns with the idea of providing space for disabled individuals. Option B mentions writers asking about who is given space to write, highlighting the issue of inclusivity and representation for disabled people. This supports the idea that the space being discussed in the passage is intended for people with disabilities.

4. The central idea of this section is option D: "Literary spaces need to be made more inclusive."

To determine the central idea, you need to consider the main message or theme that the section is conveying. In this case, the section focuses on the need for inclusivity in literary spaces, highlighting the lack of accessibility for people with disabilities and the challenges they face in participating in literary events. The section emphasizes the importance of making literary spaces more inclusive, which aligns with option D.

5. The author uses the last paragraph to develop and refine the central idea by providing reasons that people with disabilities are likely to be better represented in the future.

To identify how the author uses the last paragraph, you need to analyze the content and purpose of the paragraph in relation to the central idea. Option D states that the central idea is that people with disabilities are underrepresented in scientific breakthroughs and technological development, and the last paragraph provides reasons why they are likely to be better represented in the future. By presenting these reasons, the author reinforces and refines the central idea, showing that there is potential for improvement and increased representation in the future.

6. The detail in the section "Why this matters" that supports the main idea of the section is option D: "But butterflies also act as big, flashy beautiful warning signs for environmental change."

To identify the supporting detail, you need to analyze the main idea of the section and look for information that aligns with it. The main idea of this section is to highlight the importance of butterflies in indicating environmental change. Option D supports this by stating that butterflies act as warning signs for environmental change, emphasizing their role in alerting us to the health and stability of ecosystems.

7. The transition word in the passage that indicates a comparison and contrast text structure is option D: "But."

Transition words are used to connect ideas and signal the relationship between different parts of a text. The word "but" is commonly used to indicate a contrast or a shift in thought. It suggests that there is a comparison being made or a different viewpoint being presented. In the passage, the word "but" is likely used to introduce a contrasting idea or to provide a counterpoint to a previous statement, indicating a comparison and contrast text structure.