7/4 as the square root of 3

The expression 7/4 cannot be expressed exactly as the square root of 3. It is an irrational number.

To find the value of 7/4 as the square root of 3, we need to simplify the expression. The square root of 3 cannot be expressed exactly as a fraction, so we can approximate it.

Step 1: Simplify the fraction 7/4:

The fraction 7/4 cannot be simplified further because 7 and 4 do not have any common factors.

Step 2: Approximate the square root of 3:

The square root of 3 is an irrational number and cannot be expressed exactly as a fraction. However, we can approximate it as 1.732.

Step 3: Divide 7/4 by the approximate square root of 3:

To find the value of 7/4 as the square root of 3, we divide 7/4 by the approximate value of the square root of 3.

(7/4) / 1.732 ≈ 1.612

So, 7/4 as the square root of 3 is approximately 1.612.

To determine if 7/4 is equal to the square root of 3, we need to simplify both expressions and compare their values.

First, let's simplify 7/4. Dividing 7 by 4 gives us 1.75.

Next, let's calculate the square root of 3. Using a calculator, we find that the square root of 3 is approximately 1.732.

Comparing the two results, we see that 1.75 is not equal to 1.732. Therefore, 7/4 is not equal to the square root of 3.

In conclusion:
7/4 ≈ 1.75
√3 ≈ 1.732
7/4 ≠ √3