How can you represent 4⋅7

with a model?(1 point)

One way to represent 4⋅7 with a model is by using an array model.

To do this, you can draw 4 rows and 7 columns of squares or circles. Each row represents one group of 4, and each column represents one group of 7.

Here's an example:
* * * * * * *
* * * * * * *
* * * * * * *
* * * * * * *

In this model, you can count the total number of squares or circles to find the product of 4 and 7, which is 28.

To represent 4⋅7 with a model, you can use a rectangular array or a number line.

1. Rectangular array:
Draw a rectangle with 4 rows and 7 columns. Each cell in the rectangle represents one unit. Count and shade in a total of 28 cells, which represents 4 multiplied by 7.

2. Number line:
Draw a horizontal line and divide it into 7 equal segments. Place a dot on the first segment, then skip 1 segment and place another dot, and continue this pattern until you have placed 4 dots. Count the total number of dots, which is 28, representing the product of 4 multiplied by 7.

Both of these models visually represent the multiplication of 4 and 7 as 28.

To represent the multiplication of 4 by 7 with a model, you can use an array or a set of objects.

Using an array model, you can draw a rectangle and divide it into 4 rows and 7 columns. Each small rectangle within the larger rectangle represents the product of 4 and 7, which is 28. By counting all the small rectangles, you can visually see that 4 multiplied by 7 equals 28.

Using a set of objects, you can arrange 4 groups of 7 objects. For example, you can use coins, blocks, or any other small objects. By counting all the objects together, you can see that you have a total of 28 objects, representing the product of 4 multiplied by 7.

Both models provide a visual representation and help in understanding the concept of multiplication.