Who had the power to resolve the dispute beetween New Hampshire New York and Vermont

The power to resolve the dispute between New Hampshire, New York, and Vermont ultimately rests with the judicial system. The Supreme Court of the United States has the authority to hear cases involving conflicts between states and make final decisions on the matter.

Who had the power to resolve the dispute beetween New Hampshire New York and Vermont

No one
state militias
Continental Army

In the context of historical disputes between New Hampshire, New York, and Vermont, the Continental Congress played a significant role in attempting to resolve the territorial conflicts. The Congress held jurisdiction over matters related to state boundaries and land disputes during that time period. Therefore, it had the power to address and potentially resolve the dispute between the states.

The power to resolve a dispute between New Hampshire, New York, and Vermont ultimately rests with the United States Supreme Court, as it is the highest court in the country.

The power to resolve a dispute between states in the United States falls under the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court. In this particular case between New Hampshire, New York, and Vermont, the Supreme Court would have the authority to hear the arguments presented by each state and make a decision on how to resolve the dispute.

To find the specific Supreme Court case that dealt with the dispute between New Hampshire, New York, and Vermont, you can perform a search using keywords such as the names of the states involved and the issue at hand. Online legal databases can provide information and documents related to the case.