Identify the numeric order of these fractions and mixed numbers from smallest to largest: 46, 256, 212, 234.(1 point)


52, 114, 176, 46
Start Fraction 5 over 2 End Fraction , Start Fraction 11 over 4 End Fraction , Start Fraction 17 over 6 End Fraction , Start Fraction 4 over 6 End Fraction

46, 212, 234, 256
Start Fraction 4 over 6 End Fraction , 2 Start Fraction 1 over 2 End Fraction , 2 Start Fraction 3 over 4 End Fraction , 2 Start Fraction 5 over 6 End Fraction

25, 411, 617, 46
Start Fraction 2 over 5 End Fraction , Start Fraction 4 over 11 End Fraction , Start Fraction 6 over 17 End Fraction , Start Fraction 4 over 6 End Fraction

256, 234, 212, 46
2 Start Fraction 5 over 6 End Fraction , 2 Start Fraction 3 over 4 End Fraction , 2 Start Fraction 1 over 2 End Fraction , Start Fraction 4 over 6 End Fraction

256, 234, 212, 46

you really need to learn how to type fractions, such as

2 5/6 etc!

I apologize for the confusion caused by the formatting of the fractions. Here is the corrected response with fractions and mixed numbers:

46, 212, 234, 256
4/6, 2 1/2, 2 3/4, 2 5/6


The correct order is:

46, 212, 234, 256

To identify the numeric order of these fractions and mixed numbers from smallest to largest, you need to compare the values of each number.

The given numbers are: 46, 256, 212, 234.

To compare fractions and mixed numbers, it's helpful to convert them all to improper fractions first, where necessary.

46 is already an integer, so no conversion is needed.

256 is a mixed number, which can be converted to an improper fraction by multiplying the whole number (2) by the denominator (1) and adding the numerator (2), divided by the denominator: 2 * 1 + 2 / 1 = 4/1.

212 is a two-digit number, not a fraction or mixed number.

234 is a three-digit number, not a fraction or mixed number.

Now that we have the following values to compare: 46, 4/1, 212, 234.

To order them from smallest to largest, we compare each value:

46 < 4/1 (since 46 is smaller than 4)
4/1 < 212 (since 4/1 is smaller than 212)
212 < 234 (since 212 is smaller than 234)

Therefore, the numeric order of the given numbers from smallest to largest is: 46, 4/1, 212, 234.