
To simplify the expression 17d-33+9(2d+6)-11, we apply the distributive property, which states that multiplying a number or expression by a sum is the same as multiplying it by each term separately and then adding the results.

Applying the distributive property to the expression, we have:

17d - 33 + 9(2d + 6) - 11 = 17d - 33 + (9 * 2d) + (9 * 6) - 11

Simplifying further, we have:

= 17d - 33 + 18d + 54 - 11

Combining like terms, we get:

= (17d + 18d) + (-33 + 54 - 11)

= 35d + 10

Therefore, the simplified form of the expression 17d-33+9(2d+6)-11 is 35d + 10.


Apologies for the mistake. Let's re-evaluate the expression correctly.

17d − 33 + 9(2d + 6) − 11

Applying the distributive property to the expression inside the parentheses, we have:

= 17d − 33 + 18d + 54 − 11

Combining like terms, we get:

= (17d + 18d) + (−33 + 54 − 11)

= 35d + 10

Therefore, the correct simplified form of the expression 17d − 33 + 9(2d + 6) − 11 is 35d + 10.

that is wrong

Apologies again for the mistake. Let's re-evaluate the expression correctly.

17d − 33 + 9(2d + 6) − 11

Applying the distributive property to the expression inside the parentheses, we have:

= 17d − 33 + 9 * 2d + 9 * 6 − 11

Simplifying further, we have:

= 17d − 33 + 18d + 54 − 11

Combining like terms, we get:

= (17d + 18d) + (−33 + 54 − 11)

= 35d + 10

Therefore, the correct simplified form of the expression 17d − 33 + 9(2d + 6) − 11 is 35d + 10.

To simplify the expression 17d - 33 + 9(2d + 6) - 11, follow these steps:

Step 1: Distribute the 9 to the terms inside the parentheses:

9 * 2d + 9 * 6

Step 2: Simplify the multiplication:

18d + 54

Now the expression becomes:
17d - 33 + 18d + 54 - 11

Step 3: Combine like terms:

(17d + 18d) - 33 + 54 - 11

35d - 33 + 54 - 11

Step 4: Simplify the constants:

(35d) + (54 - 33 - 11)

35d + 54 - 33 - 11

Step 5: Combine like terms:

35d + 10

Therefore, the simplified expression is 35d + 10.

To simplify the expression 17d - 33 + 9(2d + 6) - 11, we can follow the order of operations, which is also known as the PEMDAS rule.

PEMDAS stands for Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division (from left to right), and Addition and Subtraction (from left to right).

Let's go step by step:

1. Start by simplifying the expression within the parentheses: 2d + 6.
This can be done by combining like terms, which in this case means adding 2d and 6.
So 2d + 6 remains as it is.

2. Distribute the 9 to the expression within the parentheses: 9(2d + 6).
To do this, multiply each term inside the parentheses by 9.
So 9(2d + 6) becomes 18d + 54.

3. Now, we can rewrite the expression by substituting 9(2d + 6) with 18d + 54.
So the expression becomes 17d - 33 + 18d + 54 - 11.

4. Next, combine like terms by adding or subtracting coefficients of the same variable (d in this case):
17d + 18d gives us 35d, and -33 + 54 - 11 equals 10.
The expression now simplifies to 35d + 10.

So the simplified expression for 17d - 33 + 9(2d + 6) - 11 is 35d + 10.