You will answer the following teacher-created short answer question. Please feel free to write the question down before opening the test in case you are not able to access it while taking the test.

Using the descriptive writing skills you have learned about in this Unit, describe in detail a day in one of the four seasons. Plea:
use at least one simile or metaphor in your description.
You may choose Summer, Winter, Fall, or Spring. The reader should know the season after reading your answer. Remember:
Show, don't tell.

In the depths of winter, when the icy grip of the season tightens its hold, a day unfolds like a delicate ballet of frozen beauty. As the morning light creeps over the horizon, the world is cloaked in a serene stillness, reminiscent of a vast canvas brushed with an ethereal palette of whites, blues, and grays. It is as if nature has taken a gentle breath, exhaling a hushed silence upon the land.

The air, crisp and biting, wraps around everything it touches, a bitter caress that stings the cheeks and seeps into the bones. The ground beneath my feet is a tapestry of pure white, resembling a soft, downy blanket spread across the earth. Each step taken sends a satisfying crunch resonating through the air, as if I am tiptoeing across a frozen symphony of delicate crystals.

The trees, stripped of their verdant glory, now stand tall and solemn, their branches reaching towards the heavens like skeletal fingers. Their barrenness is exquisitely contrasted by the snow-covered landscape, creating a scene akin to a hauntingly beautiful dance between darkness and light. The gentle sway of the wind breathes life into the trees, causing their branches to tremble ever so slightly, as if caught up in an eternal waltz with the frosty air.

As the day progresses, the frigid temperatures begin to relent, and the world awakens from its frozen slumber. The sun, a pale disc in the sky, casts its feeble rays upon the land, transforming the monochromatic vista into a glittering wonderland. The snow-covered rooftops glimmer like diamonds in the soft light, while the ice-laden branches of the trees sparkle as if adorned with a thousand tiny jewels.

Despite the bitter cold, life persists even in the midst of winter's grasp. Flocks of birds, their feathers puffed up to brave the elements, fly gracefully through the air, their wings leaving delicate trails of movement in the wintry sky. Squirrels, ever industrious, scuttle about their business, leaving tiny tracks in the snow, as if nature itself is writing a secret code upon the ground.

At dusk, as the day draws to a close, a sense of tranquility settles upon the land, as if the world is preparing for a well-deserved rest. The sky transforms into a swirling canvas of deep purples and fiery oranges, painting a breathtaking backdrop against the snow-covered landscape. The hushed whispers of the wind and the occasional crackle of frost beneath my feet are the only sounds that permeate the stillness, as if the world itself has surrendered to the peaceful embrace of winter.

In this season of quiet beauty, where nature's palette is stripped bare, winter captivates with its stark elegance and icy allure. Like a delicate dance of contrasts, it is a season where warmth can be found even in the coldest embrace, and where the beauty of nature remains resolute in the face of adversity.

To describe a day in one of the four seasons using descriptive writing, I will choose Summer. Here is a detailed description:

As the sun rises over the lush green meadows, the world awakens to the enchanting beauty of a summer day. The air is warm and sweet, carrying the delicate scent of blooming flowers and freshly-cut grass. The sky above is a vast sapphire canvas, adorned with fluffy clouds that resemble cotton candy.

Beams of sunlight dance through the leaves of the towering trees, casting intricate patterns of dappled shade on the ground. The chirping of birds fills the air, creating a symphony of nature's melodies. It feels as if the entire world is celebrating the arrival of summer.

The temperature steadily rises, and the heat intensifies as the day progresses. The golden sunrays bathe everything in a warm glow, causing the vibrant colors of nature to come alive. The meadows are a tapestry of hues, with wildflowers of every shade imaginable dotting the landscape like tiny bursts of fireworks.

One cannot help but be captivated by the buzzing of busy bees as they dart from one blossom to another, collecting nectar for their hives. The trees are alive with the gentle rustling of leaves, providing a soothing soundtrack to this summer serenade.

The playful breeze carries the distant sound of children's laughter, floating from nearby parks and playgrounds. It brings with it a sense of joy and freedom, as families and friends gather to embrace the long-awaited warmth and blue skies. It's a season of picnics, barbecues, and carefree days spent by the glistening waters of nearby lakes or the crashing waves of the ocean.

In the late afternoon, the sun begins its descent, casting elongated shadows on the ground. The vibrant colors of nature transform to softer, more muted tones, as if preparing for the slumber of the night. The air starts to cool, providing much-needed relief from the scorching heat of the day.

As dusk settles in, the sky transforms into a mesmerizing painting of pinks, oranges, and purples. The sounds of crickets and frogs echo in the distance, accompanied by the occasional flicker of fireflies dancing among the stars. The world gradually surrenders to the tranquility of the night, ready to rejuvenate and embrace the magic of another beautiful summer day.

Metaphor/simile: "The clouds resemble cotton candy."

To answer this question, you first need to choose one of the four seasons - Summer, Winter, Fall, or Spring. Once you have decided on the season you want to describe, you can then begin writing a detailed description of a day in that particular season.

Start by creating a vivid and engaging introduction that sets the scene and immediately conveys the chosen season to the reader. For example, if you choose Summer, you can begin by describing the warm rays of the sun cascading down, turning everything into a golden paradise.

Next, focus on the sensory details to paint a picture of the season. Use descriptive language to capture the visual aspects of the season, such as the vibrant colors of blooming flowers in Spring or the snow-covered landscapes in Winter. You can also include sounds, like the rustling of leaves in Fall or the chirping of birds in Summer.

Remember to incorporate similes or metaphors to enhance your description and make it more engaging for the reader. For example, you can compare the beauty of a Spring garden to a watercolor painting or describe a snowy Winter day as a blank canvas waiting to be painted.

Additionally, try to show rather than tell. Instead of stating that it is hot in Summer, describe the sensation of perspiration trickling down your back or the refreshing feeling of jumping into a pool. Use descriptive language to bring the reader into the experience, allowing them to feel the warmth of the sun or the crispness of the air.

In your conclusion, tie everything together by summarizing the key features of the season and leaving the reader with a strong impression. For example, in Spring, you can highlight the rebirth and renewal that comes with the season, while in Fall, you can emphasize the beauty of nature's transformation.

By following these steps and incorporating descriptive language, sensory details, similes or metaphors, and a show-don't-tell approach, you can create a compelling and detailed description of a day in one of the four seasons. Good luck with your writing!