A student in your class gets picked on by other students. He says its okay because that means the other students like him. This is an example of [Select all that apply]

(1 point)

a coping strategy.

a defense mechanism.

a learned emotion.

a primary emotion.

a coping strategy.

a defense mechanism.

You can usually recognize when a person is happy just by looking at the expression on their face. This is because happiness is

(1 point)

a learned emotion.

a defense mechanism.

a coping strategy.

a primary emotion.

a primary emotion.

A sense of patriotism is an example of [Select all that apply]

(1 point)



a primary emotion.

a learned emotion.


a learned emotion.

Based on the provided options, the examples that apply are:

1. Coping strategy: By perceiving the teasing as a sign of being liked, the student may be using this belief as a way to cope with the negative experience and justify it.
2. Defense mechanism: The student's belief that the teasing means they are liked can be seen as a defense mechanism, as it helps protect their self-esteem and shields them from the pain caused by the teasing.

To determine which of the options provided are correct, we can analyze the situation and the definitions of each term.

(1) Coping strategy: Coping strategies are behaviors or thoughts that individuals use to manage and handle stressful or difficult situations. In this case, the student's response of considering the picking on as a sign of being liked could be seen as a coping strategy to deal with the situation.

(2) Defense mechanism: Defense mechanisms are unconscious psychological strategies individuals use to cope with anxiety and protect themselves from distressing emotions. While the student's response could be a form of psychological defense, it is not a typical example of a defense mechanism as it does not involve any distortion, denial, or displacement of emotions.

(3) Learned emotion: Learned emotions are emotions that are acquired through an individual's experiences and cultural influences. The student's response of perceiving being picked on as a positive sign could potentially be a learned emotion if they have learned or been influenced to associate negative behaviors with positive attention.

(4) Primary emotion: Primary emotions are basic emotions that are universally experienced and recognized, such as joy, sadness, anger, fear, etc. The student's response does not directly relate to a primary emotion.

Based on the explanations above, the correct options would be:

- a coping strategy
- a learned emotion