If you find that you are drowsy when you study at home, and you know that you are getting enough sleep, which of the following changes might help you?

• Turn off the television.

• Add a brighter light.

• Add a computer to your space.

• Adjust the distance between your chair and your computer.

• Turn off the television.

• Add a brighter light.
• Adjust the distance between your chair and your computer.

Turning off the television can help minimize distractions and create a more focused study environment. Adding a brighter light can also help improve alertness and prevent drowsiness. Adjusting the distance between your chair and your computer can ensure proper posture and comfort, which can play a role in your overall alertness while studying. Adding a computer to your space may not directly address the issue of drowsiness unless it is related to a lack of access to necessary study materials or resources.

If you find that you are drowsy when you study at home, and you know that you are getting enough sleep, making the following changes might help you:

1. Turn off the television: Eliminating any distractions, like the television, can help you stay focused and prevent drowsiness. Background noise from the television might be affecting your concentration and causing drowsiness.

2. Add a brighter light: Poor lighting conditions can make your study area feel dull and dreary, leading to drowsiness. Adding a brighter light, such as a desk lamp or increasing the brightness level on existing lighting, can improve alertness and help you stay awake while studying.

3. Adjust the distance between your chair and your computer: Sitting too far or too close to your computer can have an impact on your comfort and attentiveness. Experiment with adjusting the distance between your chair and the computer screen to find a position that allows you to maintain good posture and reduce eye strain, which can contribute to drowsiness.

Adding a computer to your space is not likely to directly address drowsiness. However, if you find that utilizing technology tools helps you stay engaged and focused, adding a computer to your study area may be beneficial.

If you find yourself feeling drowsy when studying at home, there are a few changes you can make to help maintain your alertness. Here's how to analyze each option:

1. Turn off the television:
- While studying, having the television on can be distracting and can divide your attention.
- By turning it off, you can eliminate the potential source of distraction and allow yourself to focus solely on your studying, which may help improve your alertness.

2. Add a brighter light:
- Bright lighting can help create a more stimulating environment, making it easier to stay awake and alert.
- Consider adding a desk lamp with a higher wattage bulb or adjusting your existing lighting to make the space brighter.
- However, be aware that overly bright lighting can also cause eyestrain, so finding a balance is important.

3. Add a computer to your space:
- Adding a computer to your study space may or may not improve your alertness, depending on how you use it.
- If you tend to use the computer for non-study-related activities, such as browsing the internet or watching videos, it may further distract you and contribute to your drowsiness.
- In such cases, it may be helpful to set boundaries and limit your use of the computer solely to study-related tasks.

4. Adjust the distance between your chair and your computer:
- Proper ergonomics can be crucial for maintaining focus and preventing discomfort during long study sessions.
- Ensure that your chair height and the distance between your chair and computer screen are adjusted correctly.
- This can reduce strain on your eyes and neck, potentially improving your comfort and alertness while studying.

In conclusion, the most likely change that might help you if you are drowsy when studying at home is turning off the television, as it eliminates a potential source of distraction. However, adjusting lighting, setting boundaries on computer usage, and optimizing ergonomics can also contribute to maintaining your alertness during study sessions. It's important to experiment with these changes and find what works best for you.