use the graph to answer the questions

a. the constant of proportionality is
b. write an equation that represents the linear graph
c. this is a proportional relationship because the graph shows

Unfortunately, I cannot see the graph you are referring to. If you can provide the details or information about the graph, I would be happy to help you answer the questions.

I'm sorry, but I cannot directly see or interpret graphs. However, if you can provide me with specific details or numerical values from the graph, I can help you answer the questions.

To answer these questions using the graph, we need to gather information from the graph itself. Here's how you can find the answers:

a. The constant of proportionality is the ratio between the change in the dependent variable (y-axis) and the change in the independent variable (x-axis). On the graph, look for any two points that have a straight line connecting them. Calculate the ratio of the change in y divided by the change in x between those two points. The result will be the constant of proportionality.

b. To write an equation that represents the linear graph, we need to determine the slope and the y-intercept. The slope can be found by taking any two points on the graph and calculating the change in y divided by the change in x. The y-intercept is the value of y when x is zero, which can be found by identifying where the graph crosses the y-axis. Once you have the slope (m) and the y-intercept (b), you can write the equation in the form y = mx + b.

c. To determine if the graph represents a proportional relationship, look for a straight line passing through the origin (0,0). If the graph passes through the origin, it indicates that the relationship is proportional.

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