Which major trend in Europe is supported by the information in the map?

(1 point)

the spread of the Black Death from Europe to Africa, Asia, and the Middle East

the spread of the Black Death from Europe to Africa, Asia, and the Middle East

the economic growth of European towns

the economic growth of European towns

the development of major Christian centers in Europe and North Africa

the development of major Christian centers in Europe and North Africa

the importance of farming to the population centers on the map

the importance of farming to the population centers on the map

the spread of the Black Death from Europe to Africa, Asia, and the Middle East

The major trend supported by the information in the map is the economic growth of European towns.

To determine which major trend in Europe is supported by the information in the map, we need to analyze the information provided on the map. However, as an AI text-based model, I do not have the capability to view or analyze images or maps. If you provide more specific information or details about the map or describe the information you see, I can help analyze and interpret it for you.