Create a detailed image related to age calculation concepts. Show a scenario where two Eastern Asian individuals of different ages, symbolizing Kendra and Justin, are standing, with Kendra noticeably younger. Between them, a half-split symbol signifies their age difference. Please bear in mind that the image should contain no text or equations.

Kendra’s age is half the age of Justin. Kendra is 13 years old. Which of the following equations represents Justin’s age, a ?(1 point)


13a = 2
13 a equals 2

2a = 13
2 a equals 13

12a = 13
Start Fraction 1 over 2 End Fraction a equals 13

a + 12 = 13

a = 2

To represent Justin's age, we can use the equation:

a = 2k

where "a" represents Justin's age and "k" represents Kendra's age.

Given that Kendra is 13 years old, we can substitute k = 13 into the equation:

a = 2 * 13

Simplifying, we get:

a = 26

Therefore, the correct equation representing Justin's age, a, is "a = 26."

To find the equation that represents Justin's age, we need to understand the information given.

We know that Kendra's age is half the age of Justin and that Kendra is 13 years old.

This means that Justin's age must be twice Kendra's age. So, if Kendra is 13, Justin's age can be calculated by multiplying her age (13) by 2.

Therefore, the correct equation representing Justin's age is: 2a = 13

Here, 'a' represents Justin's age, and multiplying Kendra's age (13) by 2 on the left side of the equation gives us the equation 2a = 13.