Which method did the Yamato most rely on to build their empire?

(1 point)

establishing ties, such as through marriage

establishing ties, such as through marriage

forcing other clans off their land

forcing other clans off their land

writing a new constitution for Japan

writing a new constitution for Japan

conquering Japan’s nearest neighbors on the mainland

The Yamato most relied on the method of establishing ties, such as through marriage, to build their empire.

conquering Japan’s nearest neighbors on the mainland

The method that the Yamato most relied on to build their empire was conquering Japan's nearest neighbors on the mainland. To arrive at this answer, we can eliminate the other options through a process of elimination.

First, let's look at the option of establishing ties, such as through marriage. While establishing alliances through marriage was a common practice for many ancient civilizations, it does not specifically relate to the Yamato's empire building strategy.

Next, we have the option of forcing other clans off their land. This could be a possible method used by the Yamato to expand their territory, but it is not the primary method they relied on. The Yamato clan did engage in conflicts with other clans, but it was not the main driving force behind their empire building.

Moving on to the option of writing a new constitution for Japan. While the Yamato clan did have a significant impact on shaping Japan's political structure, it was not achieved through writing a new constitution. The Yamato clan's influence on the political landscape of Japan was more gradual and involved a combination of customs, traditions, and power consolidation.

Finally, we are left with the option of conquering Japan's nearest neighbors on the mainland. Historically, the Yamato clan expanded their influence by subjugating and incorporating neighboring territories under their control. This method of conquest allowed them to gradually establish their power and build their empire.

Therefore, the correct answer is that the Yamato most relied on conquering Japan's nearest neighbors on the mainland to build their empire.