Which is the best estimate of 28×0.64 ?

The best estimate of 28×0.64 is 18.

To find the best estimate of 28 × 0.64, you can round each number to its nearest whole number and then multiply.

28 rounded to the nearest whole number is 30.
0.64 rounded to the nearest whole number is 1.

So, the best estimate of 28 × 0.64 is 30 × 1, which equals 30.

To estimate the product of 28 × 0.64, we can round the numbers to more manageable values and perform the calculation.

Step 1: Round 28 to the nearest whole number, which is 30.
Step 2: Round 0.64 to the nearest tenth, which is 0.6.

Now, multiply the rounded numbers: 30 × 0.6 = 18.

Therefore, the best estimate for 28 × 0.64 is 18.