What is the quotient of 6, point, 1, 1, 8, times, 10, to the power 86.118×10

and 8, point, 0, 5, times, 10, to the power 58.05×10
expressed in scientific notation?

To find the quotient, we divide the two numbers and express the result in scientific notation.

The first number is 6.118×10^86.
The second number is 8.05×10^58.

Dividing these numbers gives us: (6.118×10^86) / (8.05×10^58) = 0.7602 x 10^(86-58)

Simplifying the exponent gives us: 0.7602 x 10^28

Therefore, the quotient expressed in scientific notation is 0.7602 x 10^28.

To find the quotient of two numbers expressed in scientific notation, we need to divide the first number by the second number and adjust the exponent accordingly.


First number = 6.118 × 10^86
Second number = 8.05 × 10^58

To find the quotient, divide the numbers:
6.118 ÷ 8.05 = 0.759876963

To adjust the exponent, subtract the exponents:
10^86 ÷ 10^58 = 10^(86-58) = 10^28

So, the quotient expressed in scientific notation is:
0.759876963 × 10^28

To find the quotient of two numbers expressed in scientific notation, you need to divide the coefficients and subtract the exponents. Here's how you can calculate it:

Step 1: Calculate the quotient of the coefficients.
In your case, the coefficient of the dividend is 6.118 × 10^86, and the coefficient of the divisor is 8.05 × 10^58. To find the quotient of the coefficients, divide 6.118 by 8.05:

6.118 / 8.05 = 0.760497516

Step 2: Calculate the difference of the exponents.
To find the difference of the exponents, subtract the exponent of the divisor from the exponent of the dividend:

86 - 58 = 28

Step 3: Combine the results.
Now, express the quotient in scientific notation using the calculated coefficient and exponent:

0.760497516 × 10^28

So, the quotient of 6.118 × 10^86.118×10^8 and 8.05 × 10^58.05×10^5 expressed in scientific notation is 0.760497516 × 10^28.