If you're trying to figure out whether a sentence is a thesis or not, use this test: Ask, "Could it be debated? Could someone disagree with what I'm saying?" If the answer is yes, you may have a thesis.

Based on the above passage, which of the following sentences could be a thesis?

Question 2 options:

To play tennis, you need a tennis racket, a partner, a net, and a ball.

Outdoor tennis courts may have clay, grass, or hard surfaces.

People all around the world play tennis.

More adults should play tennis because it increases heart health, brain tissue, and flexibility.

More adults should play tennis because it increases heart health, brain tissue, and flexibility.

Based on the test mentioned in the passage, the sentence that could be a thesis is:

"More adults should play tennis because it increases heart health, brain tissue, and flexibility."

To determine if a sentence could be a thesis, we need to ask if it can be debated or if someone could disagree with it. Let's analyze each sentence and consider whether it meets this criteria:

1. To play tennis, you need a tennis racket, a partner, a net, and a ball.
This sentence is not a thesis because it only provides a factual statement about what is required to play tennis. It does not present an argument or claim that could be debated or disagreed with.

2. Outdoor tennis courts may have clay, grass, or hard surfaces.
Similar to the previous sentence, this statement is also not a thesis. It simply presents facts about the different surfaces that outdoor tennis courts can have.

3. People all around the world play tennis.
Again, this sentence does not meet the criteria for a thesis because it is a general statement without an argument or claim to be debated.

4. More adults should play tennis because it increases heart health, brain tissue, and flexibility.
This sentence has the potential to be a thesis because it presents an argument that can be debated. It claims that more adults should play tennis and provides reasons to support this stance. Someone could potentially disagree with this viewpoint and provide counterarguments.

Therefore, the sentence "More adults should play tennis because it increases heart health, brain tissue, and flexibility" could be a thesis.