Find the cubic root of 135. (1 point)

root(5, 3)

O 5 * root(27, 3)

O 3 * root(5, 3)

O 3sqrt(5)

The cubic root of 135 is represented as ∛135.

None of the options provided represent the correct answer. The simplified form of the cubic root of 135 is ∛135 = ∛(27 * 5) = 3∛5.

Therefore, the correct answer is:

O 3√5

To find the cubic root of 135, you can perform the calculation as follows:

1. Start by expressing 135 as a product of prime factors: 135 = 3 * 3 * 3 * 5.

2. Take out groups of three identical prime factors (in this case, three 3's) and simplify: ∛(3 * 3 * 3 * 5) = 3 * ∛(3 * 5).

3. Simplify the remaining factor (3 * 5): 3 * ∛(15).

Therefore, the cubic root of 135 is expressed as 3∛15, where "∛" represents the cubic root.

The correct answer is:

O 3 * root(5, 3)