Multiply 53 times 57 . Convert the answer to a mixed number.(1 point)

The product of 53 times 57 is 3021.

To convert this answer to a mixed number, we divide 3021 by 57.

3021 ÷ 57 = 53 remainder 0.

Therefore, the answer is 53.

To get the answer, you need to multiply 53 by 57. Here is how you can do it:

Step 1: Write down the numbers you want to multiply, one below the other:

x 57

Step 2: Start by multiplying the ones digit of the bottom number (7) by the top number (53). You get 371. Write this number below the line:

x 57

Step 3: Now multiply the tens digit of the bottom number (5) by the top number (53). You get 265. Write this number in the next line, shifted one place to the left:

x 57

Step 4: Add the two numbers you wrote down:

x 57
+ 371

This gives you 636.

Step 5: The answer to 53 multiplied by 57 is 636.

To convert this answer to a mixed number, you need to divide 636 by 57 and express the result as a whole number plus a fraction.

Dividing 636 by 57 gives you 11 and a remainder of 9.

So the mixed number form of 636 is 11 9/57.

To multiply 53 times 57, follow these steps:

1. Multiply the ones place: 3 multiplied by 7 is 21.
2. Write down the 1 in the ones place and carry over the 2 to the tens place.
3. Multiply the tens place: 5 multiplied by 7 is 35.
4. Add the carried over 2 to the result: 35 plus 2 is 37.
5. Write down the 37 in the tens place.
6. Multiply the hundreds place: 5 multiplied by 3 is 15.
7. Write down the 15 in the hundreds place.

Putting it all together, the result of 53 times 57 is 3017.

To convert this answer to a mixed number, divide the result by 57:

3017 divided by 57 equals 53 remainder 38.

So, 3017 as a mixed number is 53 and 38/57.

Multiply 5/3 times 5/7 . Convert the answer to a mixed number.(1 point)%0D%0A$$

To multiply fractions, you multiply the numerators (top numbers) together and the denominators (bottom numbers) together.

So, (5/3) * (5/7) = (5 * 5) / (3 * 7) = 25/21.

To convert this answer to a mixed number, divide the numerator (25) by the denominator (21):

25 divided by 21 equals 1 remainder 4.

So, the mixed number form of 25/21 is 1 and 4/21.

Ryan multiplied 27 times 37 and got 67 . What is the correct product?(1 point

The correct product of multiplying 27 times 37 is not 67.

To find the correct product, we can perform the calculation again:

27 x 37 = 999.

Therefore, the correct product of 27 times 37 is 999.

Ryan multiplied 2/7 times 3/7 and got 6/7 . What is the correct product?(1 point

The correct product of multiplying 2/7 times 3/7 is not 6/7.

To find the correct product, we can perform the multiplication again:

(2/7) * (3/7) = 6/49.

Therefore, the correct product of 2/7 times 3/7 is 6/49.

7/5 X 10/11

To multiply 7/5 by 10/11, we multiply the numerators together and multiply the denominators together:

(7/5) * (10/11) = (7 * 10) / (5 * 11) = 70/55.

To simplify this fraction, we can divide both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor, which is 5:

70/55 = (70/5) / (55/5) = 14/11.

Therefore, the product of 7/5 multiplied by 10/11 is 14/11.


Yes, the product of 7/5 multiplied by 10/11 is indeed 14/11.

turn 14/11 into mixed number

To convert the fraction 14/11 to a mixed number, we need to divide the numerator by the denominator.

14 ÷ 11 = 1 with a remainder of 3.

So, the mixed number form of 14/11 is 1 3/11.

2/5 X 5/9

To multiply 2/5 by 5/9, we multiply the numerators together and multiply the denominators together:

(2/5) * (5/9) = (2 * 5) / (5 * 9) = 10/45.

To simplify this fraction, we can divide both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor, which is 5:

10/45 = (10/5) / (45/5) = 2/9.

Therefore, the product of 2/5 multiplied by 5/9 is 2/9.