What conclusion can be drawn about the rider's motion in the provided graph?

The rider slowed down during the time period between 15 and 20 seconds.

The rider rode downhill during the time period between 15 and 20 seconds.

The rider maintained a constant speed during the time period between 0 and 20 seconds.

The rider did not move during the time period between 10 and 15 seconds

The conclusion that can be drawn about the rider's motion in the provided graph is that the rider slowed down during the time period between 15 and 20 seconds.

Based on the information provided, the conclusion that can be drawn about the rider's motion is that the rider slowed down during the time period between 15 and 20 seconds.

To draw a conclusion about the rider's motion in the provided graph, we need to analyze the graph itself. The x-axis represents time and the y-axis represents the rider's position or distance traveled.

First, we need to examine the section between 15 and 20 seconds. If the graph shows a decrease in the rider's position or distance traveled during this time period, it indicates that the rider slowed down. So, if you see a downward slope or a decrease in the graph between these two points, you can conclude that the rider slowed down during this time period.

Next, we look at the section between 0 and 20 seconds. If the graph shows a downward trend or a decrease in the rider's position over this entire time period, it indicates that the rider rode downhill. So, if you see a consistent downward slope or a decrease in the graph throughout this time period, you can conclude that the rider rode downhill.

Then, we examine the entire graph for the section between 0 and 20 seconds. If the graph shows a flat line or a constant value for the rider's position during this time period, it indicates that the rider maintained a constant speed. So, if you see a consistent horizontal line or no change in the graph throughout this time period, you can conclude that the rider maintained a constant speed.

Lastly, we need to analyze the section between 10 and 15 seconds. If the graph shows no change or a flat line for the rider's position during this time period, it indicates that the rider did not move. So, if you see a horizontal line or no change in the graph between these two points, you can conclude that the rider did not move during this time period.

By analyzing the graph and observing the trends or characteristics mentioned above, you can determine the appropriate conclusion about the rider's motion.