which phrase gives the definition of a medium?

a.) someone who communicates well with others
b.) something not too hard or too easy
c.) a way to present information
d.) a size of something

c.) a way to present information

The phrase that gives the definition of a medium is:

c.) a way to present information

The phrase that gives the definition of a medium is "c.) a way to present information."

To arrive at this answer, it is important to understand the concept of a medium. A medium refers to a channel or means through which information, messages, or content is conveyed or presented to an audience. It can be a platform, technology, or method used to communicate, disseminate, or share information or artistic expression. Examples of media include print media (newspapers, magazines), broadcast media (television, radio), digital media (websites, social media), and more.

By considering the options provided, it becomes clear that the most appropriate definition is "a way to present information" (option c). This phrase accurately captures the essence of a medium as a means of conveying information or messages.

Why are photos helpful to a reader?

a.) photos help the reader visualize things
b.) photos are more interesting than text
c.) photos have captions to explain them
d.) photos do not use words

a.) photos help the reader visualize things

Photos are helpful to a reader because they provide visual representation of people, objects, places, or events mentioned in the text. They allow readers to better understand and visualize the content they are reading. Photos can provide additional context, depict details that may be difficult to describe in words, and enhance the overall reading experience by making it more engaging and immersive. While options b, c, and d may also be true in certain situations, option a is the most accurate and widely applicable when considering the general benefits of including photos in reading materials.

Which two types of media best help to explain a recipe?

Select the two correct answers.

a.) video
b.) photo
c.) audio recording
d.) textYou need somethingI just do need something

The two types of media that best help to explain a recipe are:

b.) photo
d.) text

Photos are helpful in visually showing the appearance of the finished dish, as well as the steps involved in the cooking process. They provide a visual reference for readers to follow along.

Text is essential in providing detailed instructions, ingredient lists, and any additional tips or explanations for the recipe. It allows for clear and concise communication of the steps and techniques involved.

While videos and audio recordings can supplement the understanding of a recipe, they are not as essential as the combination of photos and text in conveying the necessary information.

Which type of medium should be used when giving someone a lot of information on a topic?

a.) video
b.) text
c.) photo
d.) audio recording

b.) text

When giving someone a lot of information on a topic, the most suitable medium would be text. Text allows for the presentation of detailed and extensive information in a structured and organized manner. It provides the opportunity to include headings, subheadings, bullet points, paragraphs, and other formatting elements to enhance readability and comprehension.

While other mediums like videos, photos, and audio recordings can also convey information, text is generally preferred when it comes to presenting a lot of information as it allows for easier reference, skimming, and searching for specific details. It also allows the reader to go at their own pace and digest the information in a way that suits them best.

Which is literacy?

a. The ability to do something well
b. Improving writing skills
c. Something free from exaggeration
d. The ability to read and write

d. The ability to read and write.

Literacy refers to the ability to read and write. It encompasses the skills and knowledge required to comprehend written texts, communicate through writing, and engage in critical thinking. Literacy is a fundamental skill that plays a significant role in education, communication, and personal development. It involves understanding written information, interpreting it accurately, and being able to express oneself effectively in written form.