Evaluate: (40 × 5) ÷ (4 × 5)

To evaluate this expression, we follow the order of operations (PEMDAS/BODMAS) which states that we should perform the multiplication first, then the division.

(40 × 5) ÷ (4 × 5)

First, we perform the multiplications:

= 200 ÷ 20

Then, we perform the division:

= 10

Therefore, (40 × 5) ÷ (4 × 5) equals 10.

To evaluate the expression (40 × 5) ÷ (4 × 5), we need to perform the operations in the parentheses first.

Step 1: Multiply 40 by 5.
40 × 5 = 200

Step 2: Multiply 4 by 5.
4 × 5 = 20

Step 3: Divide the result of step 1 (200) by the result of step 2 (20).
200 ÷ 20 = 10

Therefore, the value of the expression (40 × 5) ÷ (4 × 5) is equal to 10.

To evaluate the expression (40 × 5) ÷ (4 × 5), we need to follow the order of operations, also known as PEMDAS (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division (from left to right), and Addition and Subtraction (from left to right)).

Step 1: Perform the multiplication inside the parentheses.
40 × 5 = 200 and 4 × 5 = 20

Step 2: Divide the results of the previous step.
200 ÷ 20 = 10

Therefore, the value of (40 × 5) ÷ (4 × 5) is equal to 10.