Given the following nuclear reaction:


Column A
What is the atomic mass of the new atom?:
What is the atomic mass of the new atom?
What is the atomic number of the new atom?:
What is the atomic number of the new atom?
What is the symbol of the new atom?:
What is the symbol of the new atom?
What type of decay is demonstrated here?:
What type of decay is demonstrated here?
Column B
Column B
a.Gamma Decay
h.Alpha Decay
j.Beta Decay

1. The atomic mass of the new atom is 224.

2. The atomic number of the new atom is 88.
3. The symbol of the new atom is Ra.
4. The type of decay demonstrated here is Alpha Decay (h).

To determine the answers to the questions in column A, we need to understand the given nuclear reaction:

224/88ra --> 4/2he + a/zx

In this reaction, a 224/88Ra atom is undergoing decay to form a 4/2He particle and an unknown a/zX atom. Let's break down the reaction to answer each question:

1. What is the atomic mass of the new atom?
The atomic mass of the new atom can be found by adding the atomic masses of the products on the right side of the reaction:
Mass of the new atom = Mass of 4/2He + Mass of a/zX

2. What is the atomic number of the new atom?
The atomic number of an atom is equal to the number of protons it contains. In this reaction, the atomic number of the new atom (a/zX) can be determined by subtracting the atomic number of the 4/2He particle from the atomic number of the original 224/88Ra atom.

3. What is the symbol of the new atom?
The symbol of the new atom (a/zX) can be obtained by combining the atomic number and atomic mass of the atom. The atomic number determines the chemical symbol, and the atomic mass is usually written as a superscript to the left of the symbol.

4. What type of decay is demonstrated here?
By analyzing the reaction, we can determine the type of decay. In this case, since an alpha particle (4/2He) is emitted, it represents alpha decay.

Let's now match the answers to the options provided in column B:

1. The atomic mass of the new atom can be calculated as 4 + Atomic Mass of X = 4 + Atomic Mass of X.
None of the given options correspond to this answer.

2. The atomic number of the new atom can be found by 88 - 2 = 86.
The correct answer in column B is: b. 86

3. The symbol of the new atom (a/zX) can be represented as Ra.
The correct answer in column B is: f. Ra

4. Since an alpha particle is emitted, the type of decay is alpha decay.
The correct answer in column B is: h. Alpha Decay

Therefore, the answer pairs would be as follows:
1. - (None of the given options)
2. b. 86
3. f. Ra
4. h. Alpha Decay

1. To find the atomic mass of the new atom, we need to add the atomic mass numbers of the products. In this case, the atomic mass of helium-4 is 4, and the atomic mass of unknown atom "zx" is unknown. So, the atomic mass of the new atom is 4 + "zx".

2. The atomic number of the new atom can be determined by considering the conservation of charge. In the given reaction, the alpha particle has a charge of +2, and the unknown atom "zx" has an unknown charge, but we know that radium-88 has an atomic number of 88. Therefore, if there is no change in charge during the reaction, the atomic number of the new atom would also be 88.

3. The symbol of the new atom can be written as "zx". Since the unknown atom is not specified in the given options, we cannot determine the exact symbol.

4. The type of decay demonstrated in the given reaction is alpha decay. Alpha decay involves the emission of an alpha particle, which is a helium-4 nucleus.

Matching the answers to Column B:
1. i.Rn
2. k.88
3. g.220
4. h.Alpha Decay