Which best describes the underlined phrase in the sentence below?

Living in Salt Lake City was Laetitia’s dream.

(1 point)

gerund phrase
gerund phrase

participial phrase
participial phrase

infinitive phrase
infinitive phrase

infinitive phrase

How is the underlined phrase in the sentence below used in the sentence?

Frustrated by the woman’s response, the border guard repeated his question.
(1 point)

as an adjective
as an adjective

as a noun
as a noun

as an adverb

as an adjective

To determine which best describes the underlined phrase in the sentence, we need to understand the different types of phrases mentioned - gerund phrase, participial phrase, and infinitive phrase.

A gerund phrase is a phrase that starts with a gerund (a verb form ending in -ing) and functions as a noun in the sentence. Examples of gerund phrases include "Swimming in the pool" or "Running in the park."

A participial phrase is a phrase that starts with a participle (a verb form ending in -ing or -ed) and functions as an adjective in the sentence. Examples of participial phrases include "Running alongside the car" or "Written by a famous author."

An infinitive phrase is a phrase that starts with an infinitive (the base form of a verb, often preceded by "to") and can function as a noun, adjective, or adverb in the sentence. Examples of infinitive phrases include "To travel the world" or "To learn a new language."

In the sentence "Living in Salt Lake City was Laetitia’s dream," the phrase "Living in Salt Lake City" is functioning as a subject complement, describing Laetitia's dream. Since it starts with a gerund ("Living"), the correct answer is "gerund phrase."