Squareroot of (0.0256/25) giving your answer in standard form.

Is the ans (0.0256/25)= 0.001024
Squareroot of 0.001024 = 0.032


I happen to know that 16^2 = 256
so what I have here is

sqrt[ 16^2 * 10*-4 / 5^2 ]
which is
16 * 10^-2 /5
which is
which I do not need a calculator for to get .032

0.0256 over 25

To find the square root of 0.001024, let's go step by step:

Step 1: Simplify the expression 0.0256/25:
0.0256/25 = 0.001024

Step 2: Take the square root of 0.001024:
√0.001024 = 0.032

Therefore, the square root of (0.0256/25) in standard form is 0.032.

To find the square root of (0.0256/25) and express the answer in standard form, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Simplify the fraction inside the square root:
0.0256/25 = 0.001024

Step 2: Take the square root of 0.001024:
√0.001024 ≈ 0.032

Therefore, the square root of (0.0256/25) in standard form is approximately 0.032.