in 5 days she made 80 sandcastles.

each day she made 4 fewer castles than the day before.
how many castles did she make each day?

Lisa went on making 4 fewer castles each day.
how many castles did she make altogether?

Let X be the number made the first day.

X + X-4 + X-8 + X-12 + X-16 = 80
5X - 40 = 80
5X = 120
X = 24 is the number made the first day. The numbers made on following days are 20, 16, 12, 8, 4 and 0. Add them up for part 2.

If she starts with N castles

After day 2 N-4
After day 3 N-8
After day 4 N-12
After day 5 N-16

Total is N+(N-4)+(N-8)+(N-12)+(N-16) = 80

solve for N

I got N=24
but check this.



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give answer in video with explaination


To find out how many sandcastles Lisa made each day, we can work backwards from the given information.

Since she made 80 sandcastles in 5 days, we can start by assuming she made the most sandcastles on the first day. Let's assign a variable to represent the number of castles she made on the first day.

Let's say she made x sandcastles on the first day.

On the second day, she made 4 fewer castles than the first day. So the number of castles she made on the second day would be x - 4.

Similarly, on the third day, she made 4 fewer castles than the second day. So the number of castles she made on the third day would be (x - 4) - 4, which simplifies to x - 8.

Continuing this pattern, the number of sandcastles Lisa made each day can be described as follows:

Day 1: x
Day 2: x - 4
Day 3: x - 8
Day 4: x - 12
Day 5: x - 16

Now, we need to find the value of x. We know that the total number of sandcastles Lisa made over the 5 days is 80. Therefore, we can set up the equation:

x + (x - 4) + (x - 8) + (x - 12) + (x - 16) = 80

Simplifying the equation, we get:

5x - 40 = 80

Adding 40 to both sides of the equation, we get:

5x = 120

Dividing both sides of the equation by 5, we get:

x = 24

Therefore, Lisa made 24 sandcastles on the first day, 20 sandcastles on the second day, 16 sandcastles on the third day, 12 sandcastles on the fourth day, and 8 sandcastles on the fifth day.

To find the total number of sandcastles Lisa made altogether, we just need to add all these values together:

24 + 20 + 16 + 12 + 8 = 80

So, Lisa made 80 castles altogether.