i've got a question i need help on

i've got to use braces, an ellipis, and digits to illustrate the set of negative odd numbers

whats that suppose to mean

Braces are used to enclose the members of a set.

An ellipsis (...) is a punctuation mark that represents the rest of a series of numbers that are not enumerated. For example, 1,2,3,... means all positive integers (whole numbers), and 2,4,6,... means all even positive integers. Similarly, -1, -3, -5, ... means all negative odd integers.

Summing everything up, if we need a set of all negative odd integers (whole numbers), we write it as:
{-1, -3, -5, ...}

how many dimes equal the same total amount as 1,000,000,000 pennies?

Liliana -- please click Post a New Question and then ask your algebra question.

This really is hard i have this answer in the saxon book for 7th grade . Hahaha . Can you tell me the answer to?


Thx and y'all doin this in seventh.. I'm in 6th 💀

When you are asked to use braces, an ellipsis, and digits to illustrate a set, it means you need to represent a group of numbers or elements in a specific way.

To demonstrate the set of negative odd numbers, you can use a combination of braces ({ }), an ellipsis (...), and digits.

In this case, the set of negative odd numbers can be represented as:

{..., -5, -3, -1}

Here's how to interpret this representation:

- The ellipsis (...) indicates that there are infinitely many negative odd numbers before and after the listed numbers.
- The digits -5, -3, and -1 inside the braces represent specific examples of negative odd numbers.

By using this notation, you are showing that the set contains all negative odd numbers, and the three listed examples demonstrate the pattern continued indefinitely in both directions.