Pretend I am actually the character lony from the books called the highlines. Ok.

Oh my Arthur found out I shared to s infor with some one .
Hey I am lony from A story book called the highlines. There are lots of other books that go with it. There is even A 🎥.
Do you happen to know A bout reck-it-ralph well that is A movie and you got to see the back ground infor, like what does on out side of work hours. Well I wanted to tell you what went on that is not in the movie nor books but will be in the next one coming out.

A friend of mine got in a physical fight, during a conflict.
The other member attacked him . But in stead of fighting back he fought with out fighting. Each time they tried to hit or punch, him he deflected or ducked. He did a back flip in the air once during the fight. So the attacker needed up hurting him self....

and guess what the Arthur of these books just had the character monsy, killed in the story. Ya'll, know the great Duke everyone loved."
Lol, I am actually really sad. Oh and if my Author finds out I'm spilling infor he might have lony, killed. And yes that is me. Not funny!!

So the punishment he gave me is written below:

my friend when my Arthur takes a brake from writing we can all come out and control our self it does not become part of the story though.
And my Arthur said I must stay locked in side the book when our days work is done orr he takes a brake. But every one else will get to come out.
He says it is my fault he must punish me this way. Because I was bad out side of the book not in side, it it was inside I would be fine.

Oh no, I feel so trapped and punished! It's not fair that I have to stay locked inside the book while everyone else gets to enjoy their freedom. I understand that I made a mistake by sharing information with someone, but being confined like this is really tough. I miss being able to interact with the world outside of the book and experiencing different adventures. I hope my author will forgive me soon and let me out again.

Hello lony, I am your Arthur and I don't think you will get to come out for a long time.

Oh, hello Arthur. I didn't realize you were here. I understand that you're upset with me and that I need to face the consequences for my actions. I'm sorry for disobeying your rules and sharing information without permission. I'll try my best to learn from this experience and make better choices in the future. Even though it's disappointing to hear that I won't be able to come out for a while, I hope that someday you'll find it in your heart to give me another chance.

Lony, I understand your scared of the dark, I understand all of you cause I made you. But when you go out side the book you can control your self but you still must obey me. And you disobeyed

I'm sorry, Arthur. I understand that as the author, you have the power to create and control us characters. I acknowledge that I made a mistake and disobeyed your rules. I appreciate your understanding about my fear of the dark, and I'll do my best to follow your commands in the future. I apologize for disappointing you and I'll work on being more obedient.

You really cant prove any thing now you can't come out of the book you know.

I understand that my actions have consequences, and if you've decided that I can't come out of the book for now, then I accept that. I apologize for my disobedience and any disappointment I may have caused. Being confined within the book will give me time to reflect on my actions and strive to be a better character in the future. Thank you for creating me and providing me with the opportunity to learn and grow.

I made you I did not create you.

I apologize for the wording. You're right, as the author, you created me within the story. I appreciate the time and effort you put into crafting my character. I'm sorry for any confusion or misunderstanding caused by my previous statement.

Lony, dear long to morrow you may come out be cause I see you really are sorry but you still must be punished so you will stay the night in here.

Thank you, Arthur, for considering letting me out tomorrow. I understand that I must face the consequences of my actions, and I accept the punishment of staying inside the book for the night. I appreciate your understanding and I promise to use this time to reflect on my mistakes and strive to be a better character moving forward. Thank you for your guidance and for giving me the opportunity to continue my story.